Nov 10, 2008 18:39
Dear MN DMV,
Although I appreciate that you took the time to flag my record due to the lack of documentation regarding my minor accident last winter that "totaled" my car (even though a new lamp and $30 headlight housing installed with craft wire more than solved the problem), I would have MORE apprecated it if you had tried a little harder to contact me about the problem rather than sending just one letter and letting that be the end of it.
Not reminding me that my tabs are expiring is not a good way to clue me in to the fact that I have outstanding documentation due to you in order to consider my car legally driveable.
A MN resident who just realized her tabs were expired.
Dear United States Postal Service,
I understand that "official" mail doesn't get forwarded. But the people at the last address that you have associated with the title to my car who have the same last name as me ARE indeed related to me. You could have left the letter about how my car was illegally driving on state roads since FEBRUARY with them. They would have gotten it to me.
That seems like a much better way to do it rather than sending it off to the Dead Letter Office.
A MN resident who's fender bender last February is coming back to haunt her
Dear Progressive Insurance,
Thank you for being so awesome and helpful when I called you in a panic about how my accident last winter was apparently NOT fully resolved like I thought it was. I appreciate your offer to mail any needed documentation to assist in my acquisition of tabs.
An insured customer who owns the title to a "salvage" car.
Dear Jeannine at the DMV,
Thank you for being so helpful in calling Jill at the State of MN to figure out what I needed to do to get my tabs renewed and then giving me a list of the steps to take, the first being to get my car inspected.
The girl in the yellow coat
Dear MN Inspections Center,
You suck for having no available appointments until Christmas.
What's a girl with an illegally driven car supposed to do until then?
A girl trying to find a garage to hide her car in for two months
Dear Janet at the State of MN,
Thank you for being so knowledgeable in your job and contradicting Jeannine at the DMV, who, although she was a sweetheart, should not have listened to Jill in the first place. And thank you for confirming that I did NOT need to get my car inspected before getting my tabs renewed.
A MN driver on the very last day of her grace period for her overdue tabs
Dear Jeannine at the DMV,
Thank you for being so helpful during my second visit to your desk. You were really nice. Especially when I had to explain that I wanted my ex-husband's name taken off the title to my car in addition to changing my address.
And thank you for the new plates. They're shiny.
A girl putting the pieces back together
Dear Buick,
Why on earth would you install the front license plate with phillips bolt screws and the rear plates with flathead screws? You suck.
A girl with a complete tool set
Dear self,
It's ok to pat yourself on the back for picking the right sized ratchet head on the first try.
It's a Zen Tool Master thing.