theater review: Shakespeare's Land of the Dead

Aug 06, 2008 10:39

by Walking Shadow Theater Company, at the Minnesota Fringe.

Billed as a "true and accurate account of the zombie plague of 1599,"  this piece is a fun and clever melding of Shakespeare and zombies.  It's essentially the same idea and feeling as Shakespeare in Love, with an affection towards the bard's life and a witty re-treatment of his words and plot lines.  The performances are solid, and the writing is entertaining to both aficionados and laypeople alike.

Throw in a dozen or so 'afflicted' slowly storming the gates of the theater, and you've got the makings for a great fringe show.

I had trouble hearing all but two of the actors (an unfortunate plot point of one wearing jingle bells) and somehow that molasses undead walk seeped into a sluggishness of movement with all the actors, but those are really minor quibbles.

It was great fun.

4 out of 5 stars.

theater review

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