May 20, 2008 08:56

 This morning was the second time I've gotten A Call while my parents are out of town.

Apparently Vega might have pneumonia, and they called to ask what they should do.  Now, officially, all the decisions have been made, and they know exactly what my mom would want done, but they need me, as next of kin, to authorize it.

They said that my mom doesn't want her moved to the hospital, and they were going to call the doctor and see if they could do the xrays at the home.
I said, that sounds good.  Ask the doctor.  Don't move her.  Do the xrays there.  Keep her comfortable. 
She is anxious, and has a pain in her side.  
They are keeping me updated throughout the day.

I said, call me if I need to come down and be with her.   The unspoken meaning, of course, being: if she's going to die, let me know so I can hold her hand while that happens.

Because that's the only thing I feel really equipped to do.


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