Can I even come up with ONE that y'all don't already know?

Apr 05, 2008 13:16

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The rules in this game of tag are simple -- once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.

1.  I have exactly the same shaped crook in my pinkies and ridge on my nose and that my mother, brother and grandmother have/had.  The nose is called the "Carlson Bump."  The pinkies have yet to be named.

2.  I played clarinet briefly and violin (even more briefly) before I took up the tuba in 7th grade.

3.  Certain visual textures disturb me to the point of slight nausea.  
I've tried describing this tick and never been able to really put it into words.  Most often it's contrasting colors (like red and green) that are poked into each other (like the way a skinned chicken looks.)  I know... I'm a freak.

4. I hate it when my hands are dry or cold.  Conesequently, I always carry lotion and gloves.

5. To me, one of the most comforting smells in the world is clothes fresh out of the dryer.

6.  I learned to knit for my grandmother.  
I took her needles when she was too arthritic to knit anymore and told her I was going to continue what she had spent her entire life doing.  It was just a fluke that I ended up being so good at it and liking it so much.

7.  The first crush I ever had was the kid on the crew of the Love Boat.  
I don't even remember his name, I just remember having a feeling I'd never felt before when I saw his adorable nerdy awkwardness...

8.  I only like one flavor of jam: raspberry.

9.  I will always choose staying in and cooking and playing a game or watching a movie to going out to a bar and/or dancing.

10.  As much as I love chocolate and cookies, I will refuse them when offered if I don't also have a beverage to wash them down afterwards.

I tag:
changlingsea and

knitting, family, food, meme, socialite, cooking

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