Yes Carin, you do work better when you have too much on your plate.

Mar 21, 2007 13:31

Yup.  It's official. 
When I've got a crapload of crappy crap to get done, I seem to be more motivated to check things off the list.

Last night I watched the DVD of Quills to get some costume ideas.  I know, I know, it's a little bit cheating, and if I were directing something I would NEVER watch the movie, but still... it's just quicker.  (by the by, I put a few more inches on the Mud Flap Girl tank top... almost done with the back section, but that's incidental to the story at hand).

I got back the costumes that we had lent to Commedia Beauregard a few months ago.  This, along with a few bits and pieces borrowed from Cromulent and the rest of our meager stock (which is currently completely engulfing my kitchen table) gave me a pile of clothes that I plan to look through and catalogue tonight.  I'm going to try and get in to rehearsal some time this week for more fittings.

Today I spent my morning finishing up my detailed costume plot (along with a scene/character breakdown, since neither the director nor the stage manager had made one yet, I had to take matters into my OWN hands - I rock).   Now that I've got it all sorted out as to who's going to get what, I don't feel quite so overwhelmed with it all.

I also scored a GOLDMINE online!  I found a detailed, well documented tutorial for construction of a regency period dress, a Spencer coat, AND Drop Front Breeches.  This means that I am well on my way to checking Renee off my to do list, and I can put all the boys in knickers. (and the priest coat we have in stock will fit the Abbe' with just some minor alterations - SCORE.)

I also asked around on some of the sewing communities, and they had some great ideas for re-conning the contemporary men's jackets that I have in stock to make them more period appropriate. (by the way... holy crap, check this out! I am agog.  AGOG, I tell you.)

Ah, the sweet, sweet smell of success.  I can almost taste it.

theater, sewing

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