Very random things...

Mar 04, 2008 20:12

1. I am starting to freak out a little, because everywhere I go I seem to stumble into rooms with flickering lights. I think I need my own personal Sam and Dean to keep me safe. *nods*

2. Speaking of SPN, I can't stop thinking about how perfect 'Jus In Bello' would be for a Without a Trace crossover.

3. If you haven't already, you must must must read this interview with Jensen for TV Week Australia. Some of his answers are just pure gold. :)

Why doesn't Michael just clone himself to build his Wraith/human hybrid army?

And: Halling! \0/

Also: I'm not exactly fond of the way they just shoved clone!Beckett into a stasis pod at the end of the ep. It was completely unsatisfying and just seemed like TPTB were trying to take the easy way out without upsetting the fans. "Hey look, we didn't kill off Beckett, he's in the pod out the back. We can revisit his storyline later."

5. I've fallen for Burn Notice, why can't there be new episodes now?

6. On a more personal note, I'm really enjoying my job at the moment; it's pretty much stress free right now. It's nice to be in a position where everyone knows you're a newbie and doesn't expect you to know everything; where you can ask questions and not feel like an idiot, and learn at your own pace. ♥
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