Jun 17, 2005 21:24
ya so the last few days totally sucked ass. squirted lime juice in my eye at work...damn limes! so my bf totally blurts out that he might not be able to come home again till xmas cuz his lietenants are fucked up jackasses and wont fix his leave papers. so that would mean i wouildnt see him till x mas ...a fucking year from wen i saw him last. eeeww so ya tears and sadness and depression for about 24 hrs...still waiting to see if he gets the full 2 weeks...but now we know he will at least get 4 days wich is better than nothing! he decided that we rnt gonna sleep for those 4 days...0:)......my flippin work decided to not pay atytention to the schedule request book and schedule me for work next week wen the mission trip is so now i have to fight with my manager tomorrow.. damn idiots!!
...wen they'd die for u..or at least take the first shot from a rabbid dog for u....its really cool...
and wen theyr willing to pay 400 dollars just to see u..
"stoppit u.....HILLBILLY!'"