i almost died!!!

Nov 17, 2004 13:29

today was an okay day, i guess. on monday i donated blood. very scary. ask the people that were there! i felt like i was going to die! it was horrible... i think the doctors there were laughing at me becuz i almost fainted...not once but twice. i meet the requirements, but barely...17 yrs and 110 lbs. well it gave me points for nhs and i really need points. i also got a free t-shirt (a bit large)... well maybe it wasn't free, it cost me blood. hmmm... maybe i will wait a long while before i donate blood again.

anyway, this friday the football team plays canyon randall raiders. i hope we win becuz if we do then the football team, band and rangerettes go to texas stadium to play and perform. that is so awesome. last year we were supposed to play at texas stadium against north crawly but some guy didn't send the check becuz he didn't think that we would win the game against palo duro (which we did), so the texas stadium people booked the stadium for another game.

my life is full of frustration. i am getting really stressed out with everything all of a sudden. i am also starting to get easily annoyed by things. my parents always telling me that they know what i am doing every second of the day and pressuring me to get all a's on my report card, they bug me about everything now since i have my driver's liscence they are never really sure or not to lend me the car and if i do get the car they always call me and try to time my traveling distance. then i have all of this stress from rangerettes, the captains and officers are getting to me. i think they want me to get in trouble or screw up so they can catch me and keep me out of dances, i don't know it's a conspiracy. i guess no one really knows how i feel becuz i try to hide it and bring out a smile everyday, but it is getting to the point that it is very hard to smile. there are a few things that make me smile and make my day brighter and they are: my boyfriend and my friends. i am very thankful for them.

this saturday is when some of the rangerettes go to disneyland to go perform there. it will be cool but not really. we leave at 9 in the morning and come back on tuesday at around 4 in the afternoon. well i must go so i can sleep for about 30 minutes during this class period. bye.
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