An important discovery:

Jan 16, 2006 11:04

I'm allergic to motivation.

See, I spent most of the week figuring out what I needed to do this weekend, and getting ready to do it (stuff around the house -- mostly cleaning, with a few repairs that I've been putting off for way to long thrown in for good measure) -- and Saturday morning I woke up feeling absolutely miserable. Stuffed up sinuses, eyes running, etc. So I got basically nothing done Saturday. Sunday... well, sunday I felt a little better, but I still felt too wretched to actually do anything. This morning, I woke up able to breath through my nose and ready to work... and within half an hour of starting to clean (not even anything dusty, mind you) I had the stuffed up sinuses again.

Maybe claratin will help... it would suck if I got sick every time I got motivated...

Now... off to prep for ripping my closet apart to make it messier easier to organize.
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