Nov 12, 2008 08:39
This past weekend (because I don't want to forget!):
Thurs: Anne didn't wanna work, so I met Em for lunch (cafe seaport), then did some research for my thesis, went to century 21, came uptown and went on a date with Joel.
Fri: worked in costume shop all day, well ok, out and in. spent the morning in salvation army where i got a pair of betsey jeans and a red leather purse. then, met up with my entourage and we saw madagascar 2 at battery park.
Sat: worked in the office 11-5, took a short nap, went downtown to a small get-together party at mary's apt.
Sun: woke up at 12, did errands/chores, office at 5-10 and on duty
Mond: class 125 - 9.... blah
Tues: took off work until 5 here in the office. spent the day being super productive: cleaning, organizing, laundry, errands, caught up on the office. then office 5-10 and RA meeting at 9:30.
Today I have class all day.
I'm starting to realize that even though I'm super busy with school and 2 jobs, it's really important to keep the social activities going. They keep me motivated and feeling better about life in general. So many times I'm just so tired that I don't want to go out, I just want to stay in and relax. I guess I have to find a good medium.
I've been eating healthy (mostly raw foods) for almost 2 1/2 months now, and weight less than I have in 3 (or 4) yrs. The next step is going to the gym.... I need motivation.
I loooove coffee :-)
I'm already thinking of New Years Resolutions. I'm thinking of something along the lines of creating an Experience Journal, my resolution to experience as much as possible and write everything down in the journal. Or maybe, keep a little souvenir/ photo from every experience and put it in.