Sep 05, 2004 19:01
ight so i made it FRIENDS only for likee less than a day lol but i dunnOo i just find it funny how someone cares so muchh (not u nicole) about what i do yet im pretty sure that i hardly evaa talk to this person..w/e people can have ther opinions..ill respect that but i jus wish they would have the decency to sign ther name. and making it FRIENDS only is stupid because a lot of my friends dont have ljs they have othaa shiit so they cant even read dem. and i really could careless what people think about me wen they read this shiit. =) im startin the " i dont give a fuck.." attitude be4 schOol even starts lol but i dunoOOo i like it much bettaa than actualli carin and worryin bout how people look at me or w/e...ya i think u've gotten my point by now lol