The links are no longer valid (probably because it's been so long since you had posted them, so they expired) ~ so could I bother you and have you upload Aya Matsuura for me?
Mainly I'm interested in Yeah! Meccha Holiday, Shine More, Shall We Love, and I Know.
If you want to only upload one of those, please let it be Yeah! Meccha Holiday (it's my favorite -^^- ).
Thank you so much by the way o___o I spent a whole day looking for that song / some of her works because I have to reconfigure my ipod and that'll delete all the songs and that includes some of hers.
Mainly I'm interested in Yeah! Meccha Holiday, Shine More, Shall We Love, and I Know.
If you want to only upload one of those, please let it be Yeah! Meccha Holiday (it's my favorite -^^- ).
Thank you so much by the way o___o I spent a whole day looking for that song / some of her works because I have to reconfigure my ipod and that'll delete all the songs and that includes some of hers.
The Ayaya stuff I've done so far is
All of it
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