I have some ideas for commingler. To be truthful, they're not all my ideas, but they're things I want to do nonetheless.
- Fetcher stores posts in db
- Posts get assigned unique post_id
- Original permalink used to uniquely identify post, but a simple integer post_id is assigned
- post_id starts at 1000 and counts up
- Main page built statically after each fetch
- New permalinks generated dynamically, identified by post_id, pulled from db
- Perhaps optionally generate a new static permalink
I'd also like to refactor the code into appropriate classes. Hopefully I don't end up refactoring it into oblivion, but I think it would be neat to reduce the main loop to something along the lines of:
my $fetcher = Commingler::Fetcher->new;
my $db = Commingler::DB->new;
my $renderer = Commingler::Renderer->new;
for ($fetcher->posts) {
my $post_id = $db->add_post($_);
$renderer->queue($post_id, $_);
print $renderer->output;
Update: on second thought, that would probably be more like:
my $fetcher = Commingler::Fetcher->new;
my $db = Commingler::DB->new;
my $renderer = Commingler::Renderer->new;
for ($fetcher->posts) {
my $post_id = $db->add_post($_);
$renderer->queue($post_id, $_);
for ($renderer->templates) {