Two Hearts

Apr 08, 2010 22:45

Hello Emily~!

I wanted to do something for you, but I fear I suffer from a severe dearth of talents. Then, just a few days ago, I received an email from my prefecture's head JET coordinator. There's a young man in Wakayama with holes in his heart. His name is Takumi, and he was kicked out of his house by his parents who didn't want to pay for hospital treatments for their gay son.

Well, that's pretty depressing, but the good news is that he has some friends who are doing their best to help him out. One of them started up some information and donation sites (Takumi's Heart). I'm afraid I don't have much to offer you myself, but I've made a donation for him in your name.

Wishing both of you the best. ♥♥♥


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