
Mar 31, 2010 22:16

Heya Emily!

I'm not one of them talented folks, nor'm I one of them 'maginative folks. Just a simple boy, doin' what I can t'make you feel better. Now, the lady - she's the one that does the thinkin' in this house - she says you like th' histories. An' I thinks "Hey, I know 'bout histories! That Malki! guy taught me all I needs to know!"

I know about th' early stuff in America:

And that Abraham dude:

Which pretty much covers America I think, but I've got a pretty good groundin' on the rest - Michaelangelo the painter dude:

Proper Napoleonic-era generalship:

And even a bit about the old country itself!

So I figure, if I can send ya on to wondermark.com, maybe you'd find some history stuff that you didn't know b'fore. And history's good for healin'!

[Aria mentioned you would probably share a sense of humor with me in regards to some of the really dumb comics I like - of these, I think Wondermark (nested brackets - it's by David Malki, not me) is about the best, and if you haven't seen it before I hope it brings a bit more happiness your way. :) Get better soon, so you can get back online to talk to my wife! She misses you!]


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