(no subject)

Jun 16, 2009 02:29

yeah, yeah...I was going to post more. I've at least been lurking and commenting on a few entries. :D

I wanted to stick this over here though, both to archive and for any Fuselage or other interested folks who aren't on twitter...greenwitch and agirlcalledbob and I had a long link-exchanging session on Twitter last week (sorry to anyone who saw ALL of it, but I kept it public rather than DM because it was useful info to a lot of folks). Oh yeah, said link session was on putting together Dharma jumpsuits. :) I then decided more info was needed on the different types, and well, hours of googling later, here we go. This is for the S5 jumpsuits, and probably not accurate for anything seen in S2-4. And there are certainly crap links in here because I'm too tired to edit. I'll check them tomorrow, really. :D And tomorrow I'll make a simple version with recommended orders and without all the 'splaining for those who don't really care about the picky details!

And of course, help/suggestions/questions from anyone are appreciated!

To start -

Best as I can tell so far, the khaki and navy blue suits have patch pockets, and the grays have slash pockets (one exception there). I really thought I had seen at least one navy with slash pockets, but haven't been able to verify yet. Perhaps I saw some grays in low light and got confused.

SonyaLynn (posted at docarzt.com) has done a lot of legwork on these so far, some particular to the khakis.

The khakis - used for security, mathematician (Horace), workman, cook...

I believe these are the "real" khakis used in S5-- CLB2 by Bulwark Protective Apparel. (Maybe also CEB2 - main difference there is the blend vs. the 100% cotton, and the sheen on the onscreen fabric looks like a blend to me, but it's awfully hard to tell from the pics.) Not cheap, but hey, less than the wrong ones the ABC store is selling.

Notable features, and I'll hunt for appropriate descriptive screencaps later -- the khakis have mandarin collars, and flap pockets, not quite square in shape with the corners cut off almost a la BSG paper. The flap is comparatively large in proportion to the pocket. (yeah, yeah, compared to what...for instance, the pocket flaps on this Red Kap coverall are too small.) The top flap usually goes straight across, although I spotted an extra in a coverall that appeared to have angled flaps in "He's Our You". Moral of the story? They use different manufacturers, don't feel bad if you're off a bit. You might not be.

Good alternative suggested by Sonya?
Aramark long-sleeve poplin and greenwitch is going to try ordering long, hemming them, and using the extra fabric to make your own flaps. Or go flapless. Or get the Red Kaps. Who's to say you're wrong?

The navy blues Motorpool
Screencap from ABC store, which proves theirs are inaccurate, lol

Per this pic and this one the navy ones do not appear to have pocket flaps. They also have a more angled side pocket than the khakis, and I can't tell if they have an arm pocket. Collar is notched.

Sources so far for the navy blues -
Red Kap

the aforementioned Aramarks


All of these are poly/cotton poplin...should be loads easier to take care of and keep looking good than the 100% cotton ones that ABC is selling. I've already ordered some Red Kaps, and will check sizing and color when they arrive. Based on screencaps, the Dickies may be the right ones though, based on the visible snaps at the neck on the Red Kaps - but it could just be the angle of the pictures and how far the neck is folded out.

the Grays -- the Flame, etc.

Red Kaps look good for the grays -- neuralclone, are these what you have?

Dickies grays also look pretty good, maybe even better on the neck snap placement. Not a lot of difference that I can see between the two except perhaps the shade of gray and placement of the neck snaps. Will review "Namaste" and "He's Our You" for more detail.

One exception - the grays that Oldham wears in "He's Our You" appear to be the same as the khakis, perhaps the Bulwark CEB2 in mid-gray. Or perhaps the khakis were tinted, because judging from his t-shirt, Oldham wasn't big on separating whites and colors.

I had a request for the sub coveralls -- still working on those!

So the sub is a toughie! The top is a full zip front, unlike the others where the zipper stops lower, and the pockets are patch pockets with a straight zipper across the top, not slanted. He is also wearing a leather belt, which brings up the possibility that this is a jacket/pants combo and not a coverall at all. Something akin to this one in olive although it isn't quite right. I think the pocket reads "Captain - Sub Ops", but the last word is never shown clearly.

Late find before I crash -- perhaps this jumpsuit by Lawpro or perhaps this one? GAH, tiny pictures. But it does seem that the sub is staffed by the California Department of Corrections.
Another - here...er, perhaps you could ask for it to come without the patches? Don't want anyone getting in trouble.

The adorkable Looking Glass work dresses? Got nothing, sorry.

For patches, the best I've found so far are from www.patchgeek.com (search for Dharma). There are some on google from costumescostumescostumes, and their motor pool one and pearl are passable, but their lettering looks absolutely awful, and with shipping they cost a lot more.

SonyaLynn (posted at docarzt.com) did all the work, and recommends Helvetica or Arial typeface, 72 pt. name, 36 pt. function. Read her comments for the deets!

Haven't gotten a really good look at these yet -- most appear to be a mid-brown leather work boot with a lighter sole. they are seen briefly in "He's Our You". these are not them, but the type of color I'm looking for ---
best so far Skechers and Timberland More Timberland
Will research this more later to see if I can spot something accurate.

They looked basic enough that decent replicas can probably be found cheap - in fact, to get the appropriate simple 70s look, you may HAVE to go cheap.

There's a good shot of them on the table at about the 32 minute mark of "Namaste". They are a mid-brown, reddish tint, slightly glossy leather with a cushioned ankle, and yellow-brown laces. The top-stitching does not appear to be contrast. The upper appears to be three pieces, with a seam running around the top of the toe. Boot height looks like 6 in, not 8.

these have the right sheen and laces, but ankle cushion is wrong, no top seam and they aren't red enough -- http://www.timberland.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3321669&cp=1779791.1761081.1761136&parentPage=family

these would be very close, without the logo and contrast stitching, and with smooth leather http://www.catfootwear.com/US/en-US/Product.mvc.aspx/MS-B/10107M/0/Gender-Gallery-Root/Mens/Style/Boot/Mens/Tradesman-6-inch (er, crack link here. will edit, once I figure out which one I was talking about because I don't see it now!)

I just realized that I didn't check to see what the folks over at ASAP had come up with -- chances are, they had the Bulwark suits ID'd months ago and have fabric swatches for the corrections suits already, LOL. I have lost all my links over there but will see what I can find out today.

I'll also shoot a note over to the folks I know at Lost Labs and see if there's anyone I can ask about these, although that may take a while since they are still out of the office, I think.

http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_067B0015000P?vName=Shoes&cName=Mens&sName=Work+%26+Safety (thanks to dwrd for the tip on these!)
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