grades close friday...thats the only thing im going to say about school HA
tryouts are over. im on varsity. ohh boy. seasons going to be fun cant wait. love the girls, yup i love them.
Things have been really good lately. with everything, school, lax, dave. or well im grounded but only for a week so basically not really. oh and i cant be on the phone past 10. im a baby. its cool though cuz i just ate a whole bag of pizza goldfish and my moms bringing home dinner for me. it feels good to be huge.
A - Age you got your first kiss: cheek - 2nd grade, lips - 12
B - Band listening to right now: Bruce Springstein
C - Crush: David Andrew Levesque. Its a little more than a crush :)
D - Dad's name: Michael
E - Easiest person to talk to: Depends on what it's about. Alexa probably or my sissy
F - Favorite bands at the moment: Moe. Phish Lindsay Lohan :\ hehe uhh everything
G - gummy worms or gummy bears?: bears bitches
H - Hometown: Brookline
I - Instruments: none but i can play the piano kinda
J - Joints smoked: never really counted but its more than my fingers and toes...oh my god im such a badass
K - kids: three
L - Longest car ride ever: OOOHHHH Canada
M - Mom's name: Susan
N - Nicknames: Carelli, Fatty, LC, Laurz, LE
O - One wish: More wishes
P - Phobia[s]: CLOWNS
Q - Quote: "A dream its true, but id see it through, if i could be wasting my time with you" - Phish
R - Reason to smile: friends and happiness and food but thats a given
S - Song you sang last: bruce springstein - secret garden
T - Time you woke up [today]: 6:13
U - Unknown fact about me: i was an ugly duckling. like a really ugly duckling. booo
V - Vegetable you hate: Love em joke
W - Worst habit(s): - biting finger nails
X - X-rays you've had: wrist and knee
Y - Yummy food: hahaha anything of course. but uh i dunno pasta yum and the great white pizza from dave's work. its delish.
Z - Zodiac Sign: baby yay