Jul 09, 2010 18:09
guess what? i failed something i definitely shouldn't.
I failed an AJC physics paper. How did i do it? it's a miracle that i can even fail.
AJC's physics paper is well-known to be the easiest physics paper in Singapore.
I don't dare to tell my parents i failed. They are already worrying enough for me and my bro's university fees.
Imagine their reaction if they find out i need extra money for tuition. I can't worry them now.
Woohoo. There goes my life. The only subject that i even had hopes for passing, and i failed.
I can't even imagine what next week will be like. I think of next week and i feel like vommiting.
Now, i feel so numb i can't even cry.
The moment i got back my paper, i was like "oh. i failed."
i seriously don't know what to do anymore.
I chiong-ed during the holidays. i didn't slack.
I finished what i set for myself. I did my best.
but what did i get? why can't i get what i want even after doing my best?
and again, i see people around me exclaiming "OMG. I tikam-ed and i got that right!"
Why is the world like that? did i do something wrong?
I don't even know what's right and what's wrong now.
Everything's just so unfair.
So unfair.
I'm having the want-to-cry-but-no-tears-are-coming-out feeling.
going to watch a sad movie later and cry my eyes out.