(no subject)

Jan 12, 2010 00:41

today, me and ah yuan went to town.
and we spent all our money on food! LOL
we ate and ate and ate.
the moment we reached there, we got ourselves each a BIG cup of milk tea.
i told her the milk tea tastes just like the one we had in taiwan.
and she agreed with me, LOL. NICE!
it's at the doodle cafe at far east plaza. but we forgot to bring markers! AGAIN
so we didn't sit down. then we walked past shilin and bought the crispy chicken.
this was all after we went into ILOVESTAGE. the shop ah yuan said she doesn't dare to go in alone.
can understand why. for some reason, a shop that is totally black in colour doesn't really feel welcoming.
although black is really cool. and the shirts they sell there are awesome!
all collaborations with spongebob squarepants. but we didn't see the price.
after that we went to taka and she showed me her work place.
and then we walked around somemore and met up with nisa at kino.
then we walked in cine then many rounds in hereen.
didn't buy anything. before that we went past this unknown building when walking to cine.
they have the advertisement on the escalator saying BAPE is opening.
BAPE already opened and we went into see.
i think only what the promoter's wearing is nice.
the shirts they sell there are ok..
but the price? woohoo. $119 for a normal shirt with baby milo!
i didn't even dare to look at the price for hoodies.
then nisa went home and me and ah yuan went to shokudo for dinner.
seriously nice, and we have to thank ade for the great recommend!
we ate their soft shell crab pasta and matcha kakigori~
i forgot ah yuan is an avid matcha fan too~
all in all, had a great day. although we didn't buy anything but we had a fun day pigging out on the food we love!
back to work tomorrow~ new stock coming in. can't wait!

results? i got 8 points, 6 after deduction. my thoughts about how the school organizes it?
it's all wrong. firstly, call me a sore loser or whatever, but letting those top scorers do the cheer on stage while
those whose still waiting nervously sit below is kind of rude.
secondly, they let the current sec4s see only the happy part. namely, the top scorers.
what about the others? those who didn't do up to their expectations?
did the sec4s see them cry?
they go home thinking O levels is so easy, getting 9A1s is like drinking water!
i thought so when i was sitting at the back of the hall last year.
because i went home before people started crying.
it kinda gives them the wrong thinking..
these are only my personal rants though. and looking at the principal smile...
i have no comments about him.

well, that's all for today. i still have not decided on where i want to go.
dudes! let me know where YOU want to go!
i want to consider YOUR choices before i make my decision.
let's all get a good rest for now.
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