last night/this morning was a crazy time for me.
what was i doing at this crazy time?
note: it's in a.m.
lol. yep, i was happily baking cookies and noming them along the way when i should be dieting..
but i only nom-ed 2.. LOL.
well, i baked the heart shaped one and the infamous ウサギさん usagi-san!
heheh. it's nice. i brought a large packet for chin yee and my mom nom-ed the remaining. it's almost gone now.
woohoo~ today was another shopping hell. oh gawd.
we walked for 3 hours+ to search for chin yee's prom dress.
both me and her sis agree on the really pretty one we saw in daniel yam
it totally suits her and it's the best one i've seen on her all day!
but she just doesn't like it and couldn't bring herself to like it.
so, 3 hours gone to waste without buying anything even though the dress fits her like ah yuan's dress fits ah yuan
(LOL. what kind of expression is that?!)
going town tomorrow. and i was wondering whether i should get a manicure.
french manicure! have always wanted one but never tried it before.
i have terribly long nails now anyways. might as well do it.
i can't wait for pi's single!! KYAAAA~
ok. tomorrow going to do manicure? maybe.
then going bossini to try on that top!
comic co. to check for new comics.
then off to town to taka, hmv and far east!
oh man, tmr go surely alot alot of people. sian..
i want myojo january!!!!!! oh gawd. lotsa pi goodness.
i hope it's out already. but i doubt so..
kayys. going off to watch syaoran now.
it's weird to skip from cardcaptor sakura to tsubasa chronicles back to back.
because all the seiyus for the repeating characters changed..
so it's like watching the same face talk with a totally different voice! lol.
but it's loading freakingly slow.. and i'm about to fall asleep..
can't wait for monday's K session! going to sing and sing and sing!
lol. byebye~