I needed tonight, sitting around with friends smoking and drinking and talking about all those things we are dedicated to for the night and will forget tomorrow. Standing on the morrison letting the air surf over me and watching the water create tiny rippled mirrors of the city.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Only if you promise to keep one of mine"
I had a bar tender who was johnny on the spot when it comes to picking up empty glasses. Which was bad for me because then I kept ordering more and drinking them as quickly as I could to see how fast he'd pick them up.
"Everyone is worried about you"
"I want you and everyone to know I am fine, I just needed some time to sleep"
Everyone in this pub is to cool to notice that nobody around notices how cool they are. So I found a spot near the pinball machine and lit another cigarette trying to forget that the meal from Montage made me feel sick. It's always so stuffy and the chefs screaming just makes me think of my grandmother and how she would try to communicate to us in the family room while she'd be cooking in the kitchen.
"Have you ever been in love?"
It's this kind of brutal honesty that brings us closer together.
"Mykel my life just wouldn't be the same without you"
"I don't know if I would have come back if you guys weren't here on the other end."
Jeannie, don't depend on anyone you've gotten so far.