I have been tagged.
Instructions: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your LiveJournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.
1.)Paramore-My Heart:I think Paramore is my favorite band at the moment. I'm not going to lie, I love bands with girl lead singers. This song is very emo and I love it. My favorite part is the screaming "Please don't go now, please don't fade away"
2.)Panic! At the Disco-Build God Then We'll Talk: If Paramore is not my favorite band, then P!ATD wins. They are amazing. I love the images in this song and the reference to the Sound of Music which happens to be one of my favorite musical movies ever.
3.) Tori Amos-Winter: It finally snowed this week so I thought a seasonal song would be appropriate for my procrastination playlist. Tori Amos is an amazing person and Little Earthquakes is my favorite cd of hers. Everyone should give it a listen.
4.) Jack's Mannequin-Dark Blue: "Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?"
5.) Josh Groban-O Holy Night: Another seasonal song. O Holy Night is my favorite Christmas carol. For the first time in my life, I did not listen to the first Christmas music of the year with my whole family at my grandparent's house the day after Thanksgiving. I never thought that I would ever have to give up that part of my childhood. I may never even go to their house in Somer's again. I'm rather upset over this and this song is one of my comforts.
6.) Kanye West-Gold Digger: This song plays at the exact same spot everyday on my way to tutor. Its really a fun song.
7.) And last but not least, This Is Music, Not Food-Our Totally Sweet Worksong: For a final project in my American Civ class my group had to talk about music and the consumer culture in 18th century america. Now that doesn't sound like much fun, but we were an awesome group. It reminded me a lot of high school and why i used to enjoy school more than I should have. So since we were the last group to go, we decided our presentation needed to be spectacular. We talked a little about the music of the slaves and decided to record a worksong about college work in a similar style. So we wrote and recorded a song in the library
recording studio. I must say the end result was amazing. I am still listening to it, nearly a week after the presentation. The professors and the class thought it was good too, so we hopefully we'll get a sweet grade.
I am not going to tag anyone else because I don't feel like it.
For a real update:
I am kind of lost right now. I have two papers due on wed. one is a 15 page
research paper that I haven't started at all yet and the other is the final to the above presentation. I am pretty much screwed yet I am not worried. This is rather disconcerting. For the first time in my life I honestly do not care but I really should considering the 15 pager is worth 50% of my grade. And I have a feeling my parents will care a lot if I fail college. I think I will probably be shocked back into caring too. But for right now I'm just going to take a nap and hope everything will be better when I wake up.