Mar 26, 2007 00:09
It's been so long since last we met,
Lie down forever, lie down;
Or have you any money to bet,
Lie down forever, lie down.
There goes old... Georgetown,
Straight for a... rebound,
See how they... gain ground,
Lie down forever, lie down,
Lie down forever, lie down.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Hurrah for Georgetown,
Cheer for victory today.
'Ere the sun has sunk to rest,
In the cradle of the West,
In the clouds will proudly float
The Blue and Gray.
We've heard those loyal fellows up at Yale
Brag and boast about their Boola-Boola.
We've heard the Navy yell,
We've listened to Cornell;
We've heard the sons of Harvard tell
How Crimson lines could hold them.
Choo Choo, Rah Rah, dear old Holy Cross;
The proud old Princeton tiger
Is never at a loss.
But the yell of all the yells,
The yell that wins the day,
For the dear old Blue and Gray.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Hoya Spirit
We are in the Final Four!! And I rioted and marched to the White House. Mobs are fun when they aren't violent or destructive.
Basketball might make me fail college but, Georgetown is the greatest place on earth, in case you were wondering. Anyone who thinks differently deserves a Roy Hibbert elbow to the face.