A another break from studying...

May 26, 2005 21:59

I thought I'd take a quick minute to update. I actually started studying for the NCLEX last night. Finally. I wasted too much time today not studying. These past few days I have found any excuse to not study. So I have 4 full days left to study. I was told to not study or anything the day before the exam. Since I am such a procrastinator I don't think I have that option. Luckily I study well under pressure, huh? My sister helped me erase the close to 40 chapters in my huge NCLEX review book today. I shouldn't of wrote it in when I studied for the HESI. So Kayla, if your reading this... THANK YOU!

So like I said... I have been doing anything but study the past few days. I got a Xanga. I like Xanga a lot better then livejournal. A lot more options for free. And this journal reminds me of a different part of my life. Here's to new starts! :) I am sure I'll still update this one, just not sure how often. I'll prolly still check my friends page religiously too. But... take a look at my Xanga. The music player and ad blocker won't work in my Mozilla browser and I'm not quite sure why. It works fine in IE. So if anyone has any advice, I'm all ears. I also have been messin around with my MySpace account. You can find that here.

It was stupid of me to schedule this test after Memorial weekend. Why did I give myself 2 weeks to study when I only end up using 5 of those days? A girl I graduated with already took hers, and got her results. Soon, very soon. :) Then I'll be a real RN! :D I can't wait to make good money doin somethin I love! Aight, I think I'm gonna go watch that silly Britney Spears thing on TV, then back to... STUDYING. I am already sick of it. And it has only been a day. :(
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