I love Alissa

May 25, 2004 16:48

Ive tried with all I can
But it doesnt mean
That Ill still give in

You are my friend
Ide rather help
If I needed to
I will do it myself

You are someone
I wouldnt leave behind
We are two friends
That just need to find

A place we can go
See people that we know
Talk to them
And not hold things inside

Im sorry to say this
But you know that what you are doing is wrong
I cant change your mind
Maybe you just need your time

Only you can turn things around
What you are doing
Will put you underground
Sooner than youll expect

I will hate to see you go
To a place far away
It would hurt me alot worse
If your time came today

I wish if there was some way that I could show you
Exactly how I feel about you
But I cant
Because we always start to fight

I love you
I wish that you just knew that
but what you are doing
Pushes me away

I will never leave you behind
I will never leave you alone in a place that you dont know
I will never give up
On trying to help you

Its your life
Live it the way you want
But you can change it
Just start all over again

There are somethings that are never going to change
One of them might be what you are doing to yourself
You say that you are already dying
Why make things worse

You know what would happen
If your time came today
You know about what I would do
But I would know
I never gave up on you

I dont want you to leave
I just want you to see
You are worth living for
Just dont ignore that

I will always be here for you
I will try to pull you through
But Ive done all I can
It feels like Im beginning to give in

When your time does come
And youve tried everything
You could have done

Please when you look down
Please dont frown
I was here for you
Even though it may put me in tears
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