SC Concert

Nov 19, 2004 18:36

Had a great time at the concert. Bridgette, Jenny and I left at 2:30. Drove the 3 hours in the car...Jenny and i had a good time. We were a lil crazy and drank before we left. Smiling at other people in cars, truckers honking their horns at us, listened to SC the whole way there. Had to stop twice to pee, "broke the seal". Heh Jenny pushing me over and then laying on the counter laughing because i couldn't keep my balance....hehe good times. We got there around 6 - Heather and Kelly were in line and had already been there for an hour. We were behind about 20 people - 40 people there total so far. Jenny and I - of course , had to pee again. The concert was at Ferris State University - Their "wink arena" where the concert was - is also connected to the Ice area. Jenny, Heather and I went into the Ice arena to find a bathroom. Ended up getting into the Wink arena...some lady yelled at us and told us we have to leave after we go to the bathroom...As we were walking out front we see ANDREW!!!! The lead singer of Something Corporate. It was awesome. He was walking into some room. He turned to us and was like "hey guys, Hows it going?" !!!! How awesome is that!!?? We get outside bragging to Bridgette and Kelly, heh. Walked around a little - found out where their bus was. They opened the doors at 7pm. I got a SC shirt and some stickers. Waited in another line for 1/2 an hour....Finally they started letting everyone in. Heather and I ran together to the front - We were RIGHT up there. The concert was awesome. People were pushing everywhere, constantly jumping, everyone screaming the songs out....some parts of that sucked. Some guy was up on my ass most of the time and at some had NO room. Surrounded by people. Someone kept grabbing my ass. Someone pulled Bridgette ponytail. She got kicked in the head by a guy who was crowd surfing. It was great tho. He sang Konstantine. Pointed right at me at one point. Heather got a guitar pic. I was trying to protect bridgettes little friend Kelly - shes so tiny and it looked like she was going to get lost in the crowd. Andrews was awsome - He jumped on the piano at one point...was running around on the stage. He jumped into the crowd and crowsurfed!! I had sooooo much fun. When it was over we all felt like we were going to faint. EVERYONE was wet. It was crazy. We got outside - went to the car and got our cameras, drinks, made a bathroom stop...then went back around to where the bus was. Some security guard told us we had to leave and couldn't wait around "bands orders". Heather was pissed because she had seen them 4 times already and met Andrew every time. We walked around some corner and waited there. When he came out we ran to him. He was really cool. The security guards were like no, no u cant get his picture...blah blah blah. And Andrew was like, don't worry ill get to you :-) HA. We all got a group picture with him. He signed my ticket. Signed Kelly's hoodie, Bridgette ticket, and Jenny book with their pictures. I was so happy. and exhausted. We got back to the car and every inch of my body was tired /worn out. I offered to drive the car home because bridgette had driven the whole way and i wasn't drunk because i stopped drinking at 6pm. Well we drove for about 40 mins until i started feeling really sick. Pulled over and the girls wanted to eat - stopped at MC. D's. I felt a little better after that but still head hurt and i was so tired. Usually Bridgett NEVER lets Jenny drive her car, but she was tired too so Jenny started driving. I was laying in the back seat and all of a sudden Jenny starts screaming. The car swerved over. Their was a deer standing in the middle of the road!! Jenny had just missed it - on the freeway going 75mph. How crazy is that. We started talking about what would have happened if I, or bridgette would have been driving. It was really weird because Jenny said that earlier that day she was listening to the radio and their was this commercial about fatal accidents occurring because of deer being on the freeway. I was like, when have you EVER had a deer come in front of you on the freeway. Bridgette and I have never had that happen in our life. Jenny said her aunt was driving 40mph and hit a deer with the side of her car and their was a HUGE dent in her car. Imagine if we would have hit it. Whoever was in the passenger seat would have been seriously inured. We started talking about how things "happen for a reason" and all that. How weird is it that she had just heard a commercial that day about a deer going in front of u on the freeway....If bridgette or i were driving i do believe that we would have hit it. I don't think we have that fast of reflexes. I got sick and bridgete was tired, so jenny ended up driving. weird. Anyway I got home around 3am and passed out. Loaded the pictures this morning and here they are - :-)
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