Oct 04, 2007 23:43
Do not read if you have not seen season 8 episode 2, A La Cart that aired on October 4th in the US and Canada (not sure when it aired elsewhere) unless you want spoilers, then by all means.... read on
So, from the beginning then :-)
First, I was laughing my head off watching the helmet bounce down the road in time to the music, did anyone else notice that besides G and I? Perhaps not, but freakin hilarious I tell you.
Watching Sara enter the lab and seeing Wendy look up (I didn't notice her smile really) but totally saw Hodges smile his little smile and just wanted to run up and hug him and bounce up and down going 'Look David! She's back! She's back!" - obviously I didn't lol
Ecklie: How long were you in a relationship
Sara: Are
Totally freakin awesome
Grissom hiding from Ecklie, on one hand, hilarious and Ic an't help but say go Griss! on the other hand, damn freakin childish! she's off dealing with him and he's hiding from the guy -sigh-
Four Words --- 2 years.... 9 years... WOO HOO
the cases themselves though :-)
Go Kart - OUCH poor kid... jello man is back, bit cliche we've seen did you have to show? poor Ecklie never quite understood the point of experiments I think -sigh-
Restaurant - Warrick is single! Cath/Rick total romance factor back in the running, I happy, but they break Griss/Sara up I major pissed, sad, frustrated... oi. They totally just killed Hefner in fiction lol. The magazine got Jim through Vietnam (hehe), Phillips family men getting lifetime subscriptions at the bar mitzvahs (HA so wrong thinking of Super Dave that way! but LOL)
"Hey guys, dead body" .... hilarious poor Dave
back to GSR - in the car, them talking, so felt like long time relationship, her giggling at him :-) there is just so much love there and it's so obvious -sigh-
Sara going to swing... of course protecting the others and Griss always, they need him, but she needs them too damn it (stupid issue about their relationship) -sigh-
Oh and can't forget Greg "I knew" hmm did he really? or is he pretending? I like to think he did know, that not everyone was stupid enough to not see what was going on right under their noses! lol
Sara going to swing - ARGH although I know that she might not be alone thanks to spoilers... but still... Nick offering her ride, so sweet (so Nicky :-) ), telling Griss to go, so just the perfect thing to do knowing how much he'd love it and how much he'd love to spend time with his friends, love how he did argue but also probably knew better than to argue more, she wouldn't offer if she didn't mean it at least on some level - the little thumbs up hehehe so perfect :-) Doc Robbins out there with them!! LOL
But Sara.... oh I wanted to cry when we just watched her, so devastated.
Knowing what i know about Sara leaving possibly because of Jorja possibly leaving, my heart is breaking cause that last scene can be so .... the first step ont he path but at the same time I'm determined to take it as, her heart is breaking in a sense because those guys are her family, her team, her only friends, and she just got rescued and now she's going to loose them, have to work with people on swing who arelikely to look at her and they KNOW she was sleeping with the boss and judge her for that. And if it's not bad enough she's loosing everyone, even the lab techs and she might have Super Dave and Doc Robbins still but everyone else, they're night employees, if the shifts run like I like to think they do, she'd have a two hour overlap with them every day but that's it.... It's just so wrong on so many levels...
now for the overall episode. I dont know if it's the fear of loosing Jorja and everything speaking but... it just felt like something was wrong wihtout Sara being really involved. I mean sure she's been gone from a few epps before, and many epps she's done very little only had a few minutes screen time... but having nothing of her besides that first part with Ecklie until the end, when she wasn't part of the case in any way shape or form, it just felt.... wrong. Something was missing and I'm sure it was her. And maybe it's my fear speaking out but at the same time I'm not so sure....
well all I'm doing now is making myself more paranoid - off to read about the latest stuff on YTDaW in regards to the campaign and write for HP - need happy thoughts
episode recap,