Jun 27, 2007 19:01
Choose 13 ships before looking at the questions, then answer them accordingly.
Six ships you like:
1. Grissom/Sara (CSI)
2. Mal/River (Firefly/Serenity)
3. Draco/Ginny (HP
4. Buffy/Angel (BTVS)
5. Max/Liz (Roswell)
6. Kim/Tommy (MMPR)
Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:
7. Buffy/Spike (BTVS)
8. Mal/Inara (Firefly/Serenity)
9. Harry/Ginny (HP)
Three ships in your various fandoms that you can't stand:
10. Ecklie/anybody (CSI)
11. Draco/Harry (HP)
12. Cordelia/Angel (HP)
Two ships you're curious about but haven't actually started shipping:
13. Kim/Rocky (MMPR)
14. Hermione/Neville (HP)
1. Why do you dislike #11 (Draco/Harry) so much?
Oh geez, let me think. It's not the guy/guy factor it's more.... they have been established as such hated rivals, they are so very different in personality and character and true opposites attract but I can't see Harry being able to every truly be able to understand Draco and Draco to every truly be able to understand Harry of be able to be there like Harry might need him to be. Harry seems a bit too needy sometimes, and Draco just couldn't be clung to that tightly.
2. Who is someone you know that ships #13 (Kim/Rocky)?
Um, well I can't think of her name but there was someone who thought I was going there in a story and was kinda excited but I didn't go there so... -shrug-
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (Draco/Ginny)?
Marriage and a life the way they want to live it, without either families having a horrible hissy fit over it. Or disappearing for fifteen years and coming back and going hello, while you thought we were dead or whatever we’ve had a wonderfully fantastic life, and we’re offering you a chance to be a part of it again as long as you don’t attempt to kill our significant other or our children.
4. Which is your favorite episode for #1 (Grissom/Sara)? Try to pick just one, if you can.
Season finale of season 6, who’s title I can’t think of right now. When it became cannon!
5. How long have you been following couple #6 (Kim/Tommy)?
Since 1994 I believe it was, the first time Tommy appeared in the show and Kim promptly managed to trip over something I believe it was…
6. What's the story with #8 (Mal/Inara)? What made you stop liking them/caring?
Not sure you can say ‘I don’t like them’ I love them, but I kinda said no won’t read because as much as there was a sexual tension in the show (or so I’ve heard I’ll know in a few days after seeing the first disc lol) and everything in the movie… the simple fact is they could never work. She wouldn’t be Inara without her life as a Companion, and he wouldn’t be Mal if he suddenly up and decided oh hey you’re work is fine and I don’t mind sharing you. It’s just not something Mal would do, he would want his lover to be his, couldn’t stand by and watch her go out and sleep with other random men (and women) as part of the job, to see her degrade herself in a way even if she doesn’t see it that way.
7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 (Mal/River) or #4 (Buffy/Angel)?
Well aren’t you all kinds of evil to ask that… I think as much as I adore Buffy and Angel together, I prefer Mal and River. Because you’ve never had a chance to see that save in your own head or in the heads of others who are in the same ship as you, whereas you can see Buffy and Angel in the show. And there’s a connection that Mal/River have that even Buffy/Angel don’t have. Mal saw River beyond the broken bit of a girl that everyone else saw her as, he understands her when no one else does and doesn’t question the things she says half the time, just understands that she needs to talk or something just because of everything that is in her head. Whereas yes Buffy/Angel had a connection that was totally freaky yet cool, and he saw her beyond the Slayer, beyond the girl, she saw him beyond the vampire/demon… but Angel didn’t fight for her, when it came down to it, he left and I can’t see Mal ever leaving River (in fact from the movie alone I know he wouldn’t, even if it makes perfect sense TO leave her behind).
8. You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 (Ecklie/anybody) or #12 (Cordelia/Angel).
That’s easy, Ecklie and anybody. That is just something that should not be even with Ecklie starting to grow a conscious or something in recent seasons.
9. What interests you about #14 (Hermione/Neville)?
Well, I adore Neville, at least how he is in my head especially lol, and I think him and Hermione… it would be cute and sweet and it would be a guy that she wouldn’t have to be stopping and going all ‘mother figure’ on when he starts acting like a totally idiot. He’s not a genius like her but in some aspects he is her intellectual equal, more than most everyone else in the verse, and she’s always been his friend, even when others weren’t. He’s brave without being stupid, a lot like Hermione in that aspect. That and I just love the mental image of Ron/Harry’s faces when they find out Hermione’s dating Neville.
10. When did you stop liking #7 (Buffy/Spike)?
I was never the biggest fan but I sorta got pulled in by Séb so -shrug- I’ve always loved Angel and Buffy more, even before I saw more than 10 episodes of the entire series. And as much as Spike loves her (obviously), he’s never going to be her soulmate or truly what she needs and they never should have gotten the two together in the show, even if it was a fallout of Buffy’s depression and need to feel something, anything, after being pulled out of heaven.
11. Did your waning interest in #9 (Harry/Ginny) kill your interest in the show?
Nope (it’s a book series/movie series first off) and it’s not so much that I don’t like them, I mean in Cannon it’s ok, it’s just I prefer other pairings for the two: Draco/Ginny, Lucius/Ginny, Draco/Blaise/Ginny, and Harry/Hermione or Harry/Luna than Harry/Ginny.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5 (Max/Liz)?
Sheryl Crow’s I Shall Believe - Liz’s wedding song from End of the World.
13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
What? You want me to CHOOSE? Are you out of your ever loving mind?? Each one is from a different time in my life almost, sheesh I can't pick... but it would definetly be a tie among my top six though lately number 6 is kinda behind the others, as is number 5 but 1-4 are my main reads now so -shrug-
14. Which do you dislike the most?
See the answer to number 8
15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
A double date huh? Grissom/Sara and Mal/River. Just because it would be hilarious to set the two couples that probably took the longest (well G/S took the longest for sure) to get together for whatever reason. To see them sit and no doubt River be able to carry on some grand scientific conversation with Grissom and Sara and Mal sitting there going what the heck? And just shaking his head cause that’s his albatross. And who knows Grissom/Sara might have some ideas about how to help River, and god knows Mal could enjoy bugging Grissom about taking so long for his girl, at least Mal had a decent reason with his being kinda out of her mind and underage…
16. Have #2 (Mal/River) kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.
-sigh- Not unless you count in my head or in fanfiction of others…
17. Did #4 (Buffy/Angel) have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
No, well I guess there is hope yet but… The show ended with him walking away to do the whole second front thing and the promise that one day she would be ‘cookies’ and he wasn’t getting any older so he’d be there… And yes I know that in season 5 of Angel he got together with Nina the werewolf but you know there’s still a chance right? And I know that in the new season 8 comic for BTVS that Angel to the best of my knowledge isn’t mentioned…. A girl can hope.
18. What would make you start shipping #13 (Kim/Rocky)?
Oh I don’t know, it might happen yet…
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 (Mal/River) or #6 (Kim/Tommy)?
Um, well considering Kim/Tommy has happened lol and I’ve seen it rise and fall… then I would go with Mal/River because there is potential there and a hope for things to come, all the things to see the first time, the beginnings and hopefully never the endings.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10 (Ecklie/anybody). What happens to them?
-smirks- Ecklie would either die painlessly, or get caught doing some very bad crime that‘s hilariously funny (like caught in a hotel room tied to a bed with a hooker who has bright pink hair straddling him and snorting coke off of his chest, thank you Maggs for that image forever) and he would either be arrested, or manage to get off the charges and quietly leave town never to return. If the first… his death would somehow lead to a reworking of things or the catching of some serial killer that was haunting the team or something so everyone can have at least happier lives if not perfect lives.
fun stuff,