Jan 23, 2005 11:37
Its snowing like crazy out, and sense my mom was being lazy and my brother was sleeping I had to go shovel off the porches, and the cars. Its not really snowing that hard its just the wind is crazy, and WICKED cold.
I have heard back from Farmington twice now, and nither of the letters said that I got in. Damn it. The first letter said that they have my application. The second letter said that they want the high school to send them my mid-year grades, then they will look at my application again and make a decision. So now I just wait.
So really nothing has been going on lately. I've been busy though. Well I got my W2s which mean that I can fill out my taxtes and send them in. I also have to fill out the FAFSA form and get that sent in. Working, well thats another story in its self. I might quit I might not quit. I might quit cause I can't put up with the shit anymore. But I might stay cause its only until the end of the summer. Well I might just wait and see.
Sam's moving this week, and she is moving closer to me, haha. Thats a treat.
Its it sad that I'm already starting to plan my summer....
I want to go back to the cabin...
I want to go camping again.....
And I'll be working like crazy so I can get enough money.
Well I guess thats it for now...
any questions, you know where to reach me.
Paz y Amor!!!!