(no subject)

Dec 24, 2006 17:53

I wish everyone would stop being so emo and whiny.  If you're freaking out cause you think I'm talking about you...I'm not.  So don't worry.  I just started to notice that everyone is entirely too emo all the time.  Also.. it has become a trend to have major problems in your life...which I think is a tad ridic.  It is Christmas Eve... we should all be happy.  Even if you have major problems in your life...who cares.  It's Christmas.  Be happy.  If you have a family that sucks and you don' t like being around them, hang out with your friends around Christmas time or something.  I mean, my fam doesn't have a lot of money, so I'm not getting tooonnsss of new shit for Christmas, but it doesn't really matter.  So... in conclusion.... be happy.  It is Christmas.  Emo = not cool.  Your problems aren't really that bad, when you think about it.  So we all need to basically suck it up and stop bitching.

PS.  I really wanted to go see Black Christmas tomorrow night, but then I watched a video clip....and it is absolutely disgusting looking.  It's very twisted... and it doesn't even look good.  So, I am very disappointed.

Chinese food Christmas Eve is our tradition...and I'm pumped. MMmmmm.

Much Love.
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