chicago..dun dun dunnnn

Sep 11, 2004 10:50

ok so yesterday maggie didnt go to school cuz she wasnt feeling to good. so i slept until about 12 and got up and sat around with my brother. i love him so much and i miss him so much more than i ever thought i would. but neways we had a deeep conversation about relationships, and we both opened up about what we've done and everything, it was nice.

later on that night my mommmy came home and we went and got my hair done. now mind you, my hairdresser lives in park ridge(she does it out of her basement)so it was hte longest drive ever! then when we were next the the airport, a plane, im not even kidding, almost landed on us. it was a military plane and i could see the tires! and the car was shaking and everything. it was the scariest thing in my life. i actually thought i was going to die.

when i was finished with that, i got home arond 9, and mick came over and we had plans to go to chicago. but we had to change them around a little because of me coming home so late. so he was doin 75 down the highway,i was scared, let me tell you. and we got there and it was sooooo beautiful. but then we were lost for like a good hour. i was pissed and tired and crabby, and my head hurt. and he was all nervous cuz city driving is horrible especially in a manual car. it was bad. and we had no idea where we were. we ended up in one not too good neighborhood. it was so cute he like rolled up the windows and locked the but that was not a good experience, i dont wanna go back to chicago ever again!

we ended up going to wendys around here. haha. what a night. i figured who the hell cares, its cheaper neways. i dont need a big fancy dinner or nething.then it was off to bed, cuz i was sooooooo tired, and i just woke up now,and im bored so this is what im doing.

i miss my sara and kathryn! but i know their having their time together.

i miss abby so much too! the whole summer i feel like i lost us, and we have to get it back!

and casey, i hope history brings us closer again like last year.i really missed you.

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