Offered: Beta Reading

Sep 27, 2009 15:14

I am offering to the top 5 bidders a beta reading of original fic (or Avatar, the Last Airbender, Bleach, Dark Crystal, Farscape, Fraggle Rock, Labyrinth, Harry Potter, Okami, Star Trek TOS and TNG, any RPG - gen and shippy only please, I'm of delicate sensibility) up to 10000 words in length with thorough, annotated critique.

I read slush for Fantasy Magazine; most of my experience is in F and SF, but I read almost everything (again, somewhat delicate sensibility), in and out of genre.

Top 2 Bidders will receive their critiques by November 1, 3 and 4th, by November 8 and 5th by November 15th.

Bidders let me know how you want the critique on a scale of 1(mild) to 10 (Michael Koors and Nina Garcia).



CONTACT: e [daht] amundsen [at] gmail [daht] you know the rest.

offered: critique, fandom: fraggle rock, seller: cucumberseed, fandom: labyrinth, fandom: dark crystal, fandom: farscape

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