Offered: Fanfic

Oct 10, 2009 22:29

Offer (late-breaking as it is!): I will write a fanfic of no less than 1000 words in one of the following fandoms (your choice, of course):
- Revolutionary Girl Utena
- Dorothy L Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey series
- Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody series
- Steven R Brust's Vlad series
- Harry Potter

I will write to your prompt. I usually write gen or femslash, but am willing to do boyslash or het. The only one of these fandoms I won't write slash or sex for is Wimsey. I also don't do really explicit sex these days, but I'm willing to discuss.

You can find my Utena fanfiction, including my fairly well-known Archimage fic, here. My fanfic in other fandoms is listed here.

Contact: dziwozony AT gmail DOT com

Delivery: I will deliver the story by the end of December 2009.

Minimum bid: $5

Buy it now: $30

Don't forget to check the other auctions! Time's a-runnin' out!

fandom: amelia peabody, fandom: utena, fandom: peter wimsey, seller: heavenscalyx, fandom: dragaera, fandom: harry potter, offered: fanfic

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