OFFERED: A review of a book, DVD, or other media item of your choice. (No video or other games, or very long recorded media like miniseries.)
WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY A COOL OFFER: It may be hilarious: Check out my reviews of
the Nazi leprechaun book,
the unicorn dude book (iconized above).
Or, it might just be something you'd enjoy reading my reactions to, like an old classic like
NOTE: If this is not easily available, you must supply it to me yourself.
MINIMUM BID: $15 for a book or epic of ordinary size or a DVD of no more than three hours.
$30 for a very long book or epic, such as "Finish The Tale of Genji.
$100 for a mainstream Hollywood movie of any kind. I'm not kidding.
I offer this to the TOP THREE bidders.
Delivery: Within six months. Hopefully much sooner.