OFFERED: Professional Publishing Consultation/Contract Review/Critique

Sep 30, 2009 13:27

I am currently a publishing contracts manager; I review contracts for a living. I have been an acquisitions editor (at Tor) and have been a critiquer in many professional and semi-professional writing workshops.

I will:

1) Review your publishing contract and give you my best advice on what to ask for. In other words, I'll do the most important thing an agent does for you, and not take 15%.

2) Read your short story or novel chapter and give you my best professional critique.

3) Read your novel excerpt and give you my best advice on how/where to try and place it professionally.

These are three separate things.

Minimum bid for each: $35

Buy it now: $100 for each.

offered: critique, seller: wild_irises, offered: professional services

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