Sidekick Battle Reveal

May 01, 2016 00:08

A battle between jadeleopard, mravenwood, tinnny, erinm_4600, catko, marishna, jacquelee, and queen_bartonia

jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

Near side
jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

Side by side
jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

Side kick
jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

Side lined
jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

On the bright side
jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

Blind side
jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

Upside down
jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia

The far side
jadeleopard mravenwood tinny

erinm_4600 catko marishna queen_bartonia


erinm_4600 erinm_4600 queen_bartonia queen_bartonia

FICS by jacquelee:

[A Stolen Moment Together [The 100]]Title: A Stolen Moment Together
Prompt Used: Near side
Fandom: The 100
Sidekick: Callie
Other Characters: Abby Griffin
Warnings: None
Word Count: 313

Callie was still in shock. Even when Abby didn't get floated ultimately, seeing her in that chamber, believing that there was no way out had been the hardest thing she had ever been through.

And she knew it had been hard for Abby herself too, especially since she had been on the other side of that door before and back then, there had been no miraculous saving in the last second.

The way Abby held her now, the way they both clung to each other in this small stolen moment between Abby treating the chancellor and both their duties to the kids, spoke volumes about their emotional states. Without any word, they had ended up on the couch in Abby's quarters the second both of them had been able to get away for a moment.

Clutching on to each other, they relished in the knowledge that they were both still alive, that the worst had been averted at the last second. The tears came freely then for both of them. They held each other until they both had no more tears, until the shock had gone from their systems and the desperation of their hold on each other lessened, becoming a gentler embrace that reflected the love they had for each other.

Callie didn't know how long they held each other like that, but far too soon, Abby was called back to the control room. Far too soon they had to give up their physical contact, but now they had time. Time for each other, time to right everything that was wrong on the arc.

Smiling at each other, they still held hands until the last moment when they had to part. There was so much to deal with, so many crises, but this little stolen moment of nearness had replenished both of them.

Whatever was to come, they could deal with it.

[By Your Side [The 100]]Title: By Your Side
Prompt Used: Side by side
Fandom: The 100
Sidekick: Indra
Other Characters: Octavia
Warnings: none
Word Count: 294

I need the warrior who taught me who I am. The choice is yours. The choice is yours.

Indra repeated those sentences in her head over and over again. Was Octavia right? Was she feeling sorry for herself? Was she forsaking her chance of revenge? The sky girl had many faults, especially a far too big loyalty to her brother, the murderer, but she had come back to her. She wanted her by her side.

Even weak and frail she was still who Octavia wanted by her side. Was she still a warrior? Was she still the woman who chose the sky girl as her second? Could she do this, despite the pain in her arm, despite the horror the massacre had woken in her? Despite the deep feeling of worthlessness that had grown in her every minute and hour she was forced to lie there, amidst the slain warriors, unable to move, unable to do anything?

Suddenly Indra got up from the bed. Yes she could. She was not worthless. She was not lying there anymore. She could move now. And that meant she could fight, however badly.

No matter what happened, she would go out fighting. Fighting side by side with the sky girl, the one person she never wanted to have at her side and much less admire in the beginning but now the one person who could invoke feelings in her she didn't even know she had, the one person who could convince her that she was not done, that there was still fight in her.

She took her sword and her knife, both weapons feeling good in her hand. Then she went out to find the sky girl. To find her second and go into battle side by side.

[Becoming Your Own Worst Nightmare [MLP: FIM]]Title: Becoming Your Own Worst Nightmare
Prompt Used: Side lined
Fandom: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Sidekick: Babs Seed
Other Characters: Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon
Warnings: deals with bullying (do you warn for that? IDK)
Word Count: 404

The second those two bullies showed up and said those dreaded words, Babs knew this was going to be exactly like at home. Being bullied was the reason she wanted to get away from there, the reason she came here in the first place, but those three and their little club seemed to not care about that, they seemed to be content with being "blank flanks".

At first, Babs had thought they simply weren't bullied and maybe she could join their club, after all, the clubhouse was neat and they were all really nice, but she was cautious. How unlikely was it for everyone else to leave them alone when their club was literally based on being "blank flanks"?

So she hadn't reacted much to anything they showed her, for fear of making herself an easy target for bullying again. And now her caution paid off. The second she heard those words from those two ponies who were exactly like the bullies at home, she knew what she had to do.

She would be damned if she let them side line her even here, bully her like the ponies at home did, just because she didn't have her cutie mark yet. No, this was her chance for a fresh start. Her chance to show those bullies that she was actually a cool pony and not someone relishing in being a "blank flank" like her cousin and those two friends of hers.

With one last look towards Apple Bloom and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, Babs put on a mask she hated but that was the only thing she could think of to avoid all that pain she knew would come with associating with those three. With not only acknowledging but celebrating that she didn't have a cutie mark yet.

If she had to side line those three to avoid being side lined herself again, so be it. She learned a lot from the bullies at home, especially that the only thing that was awful about bullying was being on the receiving end.

Which was why, when she said those cruel things and destroyed the float, she felt a pang of doubt, of pain knowing that what she did would cause her cousin and the other two ponies exactly the same pain she had endured. But what was the alternative? To bring that pain back on herself?

No, she would not do that. Never again!

[You Can't Crush the Human Spirit [Orphan Black]]Title: You Can't Crush the Human Spirit
Prompt Used: On the bright side
Fandom: Orphan Black
Sidekick: Krystal Goderitch
Other Characters: mention of Delphine
Warnings: none
Word Count: 274

Krystal had always been good at looking on the bright side, but now, having been kidnapped, put into a hospital bed with a patch over her eye that made her think she was blind, weird things up her nose and in her arm, it was hard even for her to see the positive side of all of this.

Why did weird things always happen to her? What was this? And why had the family doctor been here who had been so kind to her during the manicure?

The doctor was gone now, having told her nothing and just asking her to stay in bed, which Krystal begrudgingly did, seeing that she didn't even wear any of her clothes. Which led her to the shocking revelation that someone had to have undressed her to dress her in this drab, completely unfashionable hospital gown.

That shock led to another one and she hastily started inspecting herself. With a sigh of relief she realized that at least her underwear remained unchanged and lying back in the bed, she tried to concentrate on that little ray of sunshine, relishing the feeling of silk on at least those few parts of her body.

And with that she decided that what she had told to that doctor, who apparently now abducted her, during the manicure still rang true. You can't crush the human spirit. No matter what they did to her, she would get through it. Her familiar designer underwear became a symbol for her life not being over yet.

There was still a spark left in her and whoever did this to her would get a taste of that.

[When the World Turns Upside Down [Avatar]]Title: When the World Turns Upside Down, You Need to Turn Yourself the Right Side Up
Prompt Used: Upside down
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sidekick: Ty Lee
Other Characters: Mai, Azula
Warnings: none
Word Count: 236

Seeing Mai fight against all those guards to save Zuko changed everything for Ty Lee. She was standing by Azula's side, looking at that open defiance going on in front of them and her world changed. It had always been an immutable truth that there was no way to defy Azula, that you shouldn't even try.

But Mai did. As had Zuko. And that turned everything Ty Lee thought she knew upside down.

When Mai was brought towards Azula, Ty Lee could only stand by and wring her hands. She didn't know what to do. Going against Azula openly seemed like the best way to get herself killed, but Mai was her best friend. She couldn't just stand by and leave her to Azula, who clearly intended to fight her.

And that was not a fight Mai could win, all three of them knew that.

In one split second she decided. What Mai could do, she could do too. Yes, the world would turn upside down but that just meant that she had to turn herself the right side up again. And as a circus artist, that was something she definitely could do.

With that thought, she propelled her body into the air and knocked out Azula, landing on her feet again in one swift motion, looking at her hands and then at Mai.

When this was how the world looked upside down, she liked it.

user: marishna, user: jadeleopard, !icons, !writing, user: mravenwood, user: jacquelee, user: queen_bartonia, user: catko, user: erinm_4600

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