madampresidentIcons or Writing?: icons
Suggested fandoms: American Horror Story: Asylum (season 2)
Number of total caps or themes: 5
Suggested amount of time to finish the battle: three weeks March 11 deadline
1. Dark - the overall feel should be dark
2. Light - the overall feel should be light
3. Faceless - no faces in this icon. Doesn't have to include a person, just can't have a face
4. Fake background - could be a texture or a solid color, as long as it's not the background from the actual cap
5. Text - Should be legible, not tiny text. Can be a single word or as many words as you can fit
If you have any questions about the themes let me know! Submit up to three sets of 5 icons (one for each theme) 15 points per set, a total of 45 points possible.
(All example icons are mine)
camiilovespanichyacinthosmadampresidentmark_pierremagical_sid Sign ups continue until icons are due on March 11, 2016