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naushika July 20 2014, 06:10:58 UTC
Yay, go team!! :D Beautiful icons, everyone! Here are my faves from each maker:

caitieness -

I love the crop & coloring!

camiilovespanic -

Great negative space, love Cap's hair flowing in the wind

crucified -

Love the coloring & the use of animated text

dragana_ms -

HAWKGUY Great contrast between the two different art style panels :D

green_queen -

So pretty! Love the green

mandayxo -

Love the coloring and fabulous crop

philstar22 -

Love the crop + negative space

silverwindsongs -

Awesome silhouettes, I love silhouettes :D

teaotter -

Love the crop here!

wagrobanite -

Love the soft background :D


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