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theladymorgan October 15 2015, 01:51:24 UTC

... )


kimi_pie October 25 2015, 04:59:06 UTC
Do I just post my stuff here, or somewhere else first then here? I've seen others posting elsewhere and it has thrown me off - never participated in any form of "battle" for this comm before, so am really confused.


theladymorgan October 25 2015, 05:17:24 UTC
With this particular kind of battle, I'm willing to let you post where you like and link back here - so you can post wherever you like for this one. Other battles that probably won't be the case, but a lot of people are making sigtags they want to offer to everyone or are putting together big posts, so it's easier to post at another comm.


kimi_pie October 27 2015, 09:33:46 UTC
Cheers! I get confused easily ha!


littlemissnovel October 25 2015, 23:12:56 UTC
Just wanted to let you know that my submission post is considered spam again :(


theladymorgan October 26 2015, 06:10:46 UTC
Freaking LJ. It's fixed now. Thanks for letting me know - I'm sorry it keeps doing that to you.


meridian_rose October 29 2015, 16:45:32 UTC
My comment just got marked as spam too.


theladymorgan October 29 2015, 17:13:50 UTC
Sorry about that. It's fixed now.


digthewriter October 27 2015, 19:25:17 UTC
Are you going to create diff. links for different teams or do we just post it here?


theladymorgan October 27 2015, 20:54:50 UTC
No, I'm not going to be posting different sections for the teams. I don't usually break it down into teams (I make my own banners most of the time and don't usually have time to make four extra banners), so just leave a comment with your submission or a link to it. :)


digthewriter October 27 2015, 20:55:39 UTC
COOL. I'm still green so just finding out the basics. Thanks for the info!


theladymorgan October 27 2015, 21:00:14 UTC
You're welcome! I usually have a submit section and a signups section for my battles - you'll see one of those next month - but this is a super loose battle, so it's very go with the flow.

If you have any more questions about Card Wars or about anything in general, feel free to let me know. :) I'm usually not too hard to get a hold of unless I'm in class or my internet is out.


foxrafer October 28 2015, 09:27:15 UTC
I'm not sure if the graphics I did were within the rules (and you'd think I would have checked before starting) but if I was meant to only use the images provided, then the fic is the only one that should count for points. Sorry about the confusion.


theladymorgan October 29 2015, 16:43:44 UTC
Hi there! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you - I had a major exam this morning and was a bit unavailable yesterday because of that.

I don't require that you use the provided images or anything - this one is what I consider an inspiration battle. I glanced at your entry and it looks like everything is inspired by the theme, so you'll get full points for your submission.

Thank you for submitting!


foxrafer October 29 2015, 21:36:51 UTC
Thank you! I'm usually much better at asking questions before I finish a challenge, and I appreciate the quick response.

Hope your exam went well!


luminousdaze October 29 2015, 10:52:51 UTC
Hi, two questions please. Do we have to use autumnal things or Halloween things to show inspiration or is anything okay if we try to use the colors?
Also, is it possible to have the links to the palettes on Color Lovers please?


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