Multifandom Fic Battle

Jun 09, 2015 20:10

Multifandom fic battle!

Participants: catko, dance_thrulife and skieswideopen

1. Why would you go in there with no plan?
2. You need to let go.
3. I knew it was going to work.
4. “What do I get if I win?”
5. A game of cards.
6. It's a jet pack. What could go wrong?
7. "If you say that one more time..."
8. "Here we go! Two tickets."
9. "Well, this is unexpected."
10. "Oh my God. You’re in love.”

Fandoms: Battle Creek, Broadchurch, Castle, Doctor Who, Friday Night Lights, Pretty Little Liars, Intelligence, Saving Hope, Veronica Mars

[catko (Castle, 700 words)]
Castle, 700 words total

I. “Why would you go in there with no plan?”

The pair standing in front of the gesticulating Beckett shifted on their feet and looked anywhere but at her. She glared at each of them, willing their eyes to meet hers. “I mean, really,” she said. “You know how important this operation is. Why would you take that kind of risk?”

Esposito and Ryan exchanged a glance; Javy gestured with his head and Kevin cleared his throat. “You know how it is, Beckett, all the situations we’ve walked into… Okay, okay, we admit it. We screwed up. But c’mon. It’s not like it was a crime scene or anything. Not actual police business.

Beckett raised her finger to his face. “No, and you’re damn lucky it wasn’t! If you ever did anything this stupid at an actual scene-“ She shook her head in frustration. “All you had to do get to Lanie’s desk and check out her calendar to figure out the best way to spirit her away so we could set up for the surprise party. And NOT get caught by her, or spilling coffee on said calendar. So now she’s onto us, and we have to come up with a new idea. We gotta start all over.”

Espo raised his hands and in entreaty. “We’ll figure something out, Beckett, you know we will.”

Beckett rolled her eyes and waved dismissively. “Forget it. Get out of my sight. You two are demoted from party planning.” With a toss of her head, she turned on her heel and strode away. Ryan and Espo looked at each other, shrugged in unison, and wandered off to follow up on some case or another. (Words: 270)

II. You need to let go. Kate ran her fingers through her hair as she stared at the battered folder that she had just pulled out of the bottom drawer of her desk. You may never know the true story of what happened when Castle went missing. Like a bolt out of the blue, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, much like the one she carried with her all those weeks of Castle’s disappearance. It seemed inconceivable that they could, all this time, with him gone and now-thank God!-returned, and them happily married and all…anyway, inconceivable that there could still be no glimmer, no trail, no way to the truth. She’d told Castle that they could put it aside, be patient, let the truth emerge some day. But her detective’s spirit, and the still nagging pain of the trauma, made that into a lie. She considered the folder of documents, photos, private detective reports, that she had amassed, and stood up to follow her original intention-to throw it in the shredder. But as she flipped the folder open for one last look, she found she couldn’t destroy it, and put it back in her bottom drawer. (200 words)

VI. “It's a jet pack. What could go wrong?” Castle said gleefully, as he shouldered the harness and looked up at the sky.

“Dad!” “Richard!” Alexis and Martha shouted and looked aghast. “Darling, are you quite insane? You have no idea whether that thing is safe or not, and I assure you, it is not!” “For real, Dad! You can’t …whatever, FLY in a jet pack here at the beach!”

Castle paused in his buckling and adjusting to look at his two female relatives with surprise. “What do you mean? It’s been tested. And where else would I try this out? Not indoors! I mean, the house is big-“ nodding toward the beach house, “But not that big. Out here, the skies the limit!” He grinned happily.

“This is the most ridiculous thing you have ever…Oh thank god. There’s Beckett. Surely she can pound some sense into you.” With a determined air, Martha waved at the figure running toward them. “Castle! Castle! What are you doing!” Martha and Alexis looked relieved as Kate loped up to them, looking concerned. “Castle, dammit,” she sputtered. “You promised you’d….wait for me before you tried this thing! Okay, I’m here, now let’s get going!” With a manic air, she checked the straps, chucked Castle on the chest, and gestured heavenward. Castle whooped in delight, and Martha and Alexis groaned and covered their eyes. (230 words)

[dance_thrulife (Broadchurch, Doctor Who, Friday Night Lights, Pretty Little Liars, Veronica Mars, 1705 words)]

Prompt: Why would you go in there with no plan?
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 122

Rose slumped against the wall breathing heavily as she tried to collect her thoughts. When she began to feel as though she wasn't going to pass out, she turned to the Doctor narrowing her eyes in anger. “Why would you go in there with no plan?” she asked.

The Doctor to his credit, had the decency to look embarrassed. He lifted a hand to his hair tugging gently at the silky strands, “Weelll, you know me always thinking best on my feet.”

Rose bit out a laugh. “Too right, and that's why I had to run in and take charge.” she said.

The Doctor looked at her as if she'd just dribbled all over her shirt, “Rose....that was the plan.” he said.

Prompt: You need to let go
Fandom: Pretty Little Liars
Word Count: 200

Spencer Hastings ran her hands through her hair as she studied the papers in front of her. The words were beginning to swim across the page and she shook her head trying to clear her vision. She startled at the sound of someone else entering the room.

“Geeze Spence, how long have you been studying?” Hanna asked as she slung herself down in an empty chair.

Spencer hardly took her eyes off the books in front of her, eyes only moving towards the clock and then back again, “Twelve hours” she replied listlessly.

Hanna walked over and closed the book in front of her. “ Ok, you need to let go.” she said as she moved the book away from Spencer.

“What? No! I need to pass this test.” Spencer objected as Hanna's hand closed around her wrist tugging gently until she stood up.

“No what you need is a milkshake and a view other than these walls.” she said as she lead her friend from the room.

Spencer looked over with a smile, “Well I guess a short break wouldn't hurt.”

Hanna laughed, “I'm glad you agree because I wasn't going to give you an option.”

Prompt: I Knew It Was Going To Work
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 264

Jack leaned up against the wall of the Tardis his arms folded across his chest before her turned to the person beside him and held out his hand, wiggling his fingers.

Donna huffed and reached into her pocket to pull out ten quid slapping it down in his hand.

“Of all the things in the world he gets jealous over a dance?” she nearly shouts.

Jack turns to her pressing a finger to his lips before he softly says, “I knew it was going to work.”

“I lock them alone together with memories of their past and the most romantic set up ever, and in 5 minutes he's freed them and they are off to explore a new planet. And you, you just ask her to dance and next thing you know he's snatching her out your arms and into his own.” Donna says incredulously.

Jacks' eyes moved to where the couple was dancing, pressed tightly against on another. He watched for a moment and then said, “Double or nothing he kisses her in a minute.”

“Oh you are so on time agent.” Donna said, “she'll have to be the one to make that move.”

A few seconds later Donna had to pick her jaw up off the ground as the Doctor leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Rose's lips. She turned towards Jack, “But, how could you, wait, no.” she gasped out.

Jack just held out his hand again and said, “If there's one thing I know its seduction, and no one can resist Rose Tyler for long.”

Prompt: What Do I Get If I Win
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Word Count: 166

“No way,” Logan began shaking his head, “Mac and Wallace. You have finally lost your mind Mars.”

Veronica rolled over to look at him, shifting slightly so that her body was pressed up against his. “I'm telling you they are dating behind my back.”

“And I'm telling you that those two would never make that leap. You are being paranoid detective.” he teased pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“Why don't we bet on it?” Veronica asked arching her eyebrows, “If I win, you are in charge of dinner and laundry for a month.”

“Ok you're on, what do I get if I win?” he asked a wicked gleam in his eye.

“If you win, I'll do that think you love as much as you want for a month.” Veronica said leaning forward to capture his lips with hers.

“Oh Mars you are so on.” he said as he rolled over pinning her beneath him.

Prompt: A Game of Cards
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 202

After the fifth hour of Jack begging them, the crew had finally given in. The Doctor, Rose, Donna, Martha and Mickey, all sat around a table in the library, five cards clutched in their hands.

Rose glanced across the table and raised her eyebrows, nibbling on her thumb nervously, “Okay I'll see you Jack.” she said.

“Finally!” Jack said with a grin proudly laying down his straight.

Rose pouted and Jack rubbed his hands together, “Alright Rosie, lets get that shirt off.”

“If only I had something like a royal flush.” she said as she laid her hand down revealing the winning combination. “So I think that means I get your pants.” she said gleefully.

Jack grumbled but reached down and pulled of his pants throwing them over the table at Rose.

“Something the matter Jack?” the Doctor asked from his seat, still perfectly clothed.

“Not that I mind giving you all the pleasure of seeing me naked, I just hoped some of you would be retuning the favor.” he said before he gathered the cards in his hand, “Oh well ninth times got to be the charm right?” he said as he started dealing the new hand.

Prompt: Its a Jet Pack. What Could Go Wrong?
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 166

“Rose I assure you, everything will be perfectly fine.” The Doctor said sliding his arms into the straps of the contraption being held out to him.

“I don't know Doctor, that just doesn't seem...” she began was promptly cut off.

“Its a jet pack. What could go wrong? A very advanced jet pack, with only the most cutting edge technology. Nearly rivals Time Lords...” the Doctor assured her.

She cocked an eyebrow at him, the speed of his speech letting her know he wasn't as confident as he made out. “If you're sure..” she said motioning towards the building he was supposed to fly up.

“Right I'll be back in a jiffy.” he said and pressed the button to activate the machine. He flew up a few feet and then there was a loud buzzing sound as it stalled and he fell back to earth in a flurry of limbs.

Rose doubled over in laughter, “I'd say that's what could go wrong”

Prompt: If You Say That One More Time...
Fandom: Friday Night Lights
Word Count: 153

Julie lets out a loud moan as another contraction runs through her body. She squeezes Matt's hand tightly. “Are you okay, should I go get the doctor now?” he asks his eyes filled with concern as he brushes her hair off of her forehead.

Julie turns to look at him the fury evident in her eyes. “If you say that one more time Matt Saracen, I swear to god I will tear you to shreds with my own bare hands. I will tell you when I'm ready for the doctor.”she trailed off as another contraction rippled through her.

Matt opened his mouth, but promptly shut it when Julie looked at him and growled, “Don't you dare.” Matt nodded and watched her closely after a few seconds Julie rolled her eyes.

“Okay, fine, go get the Doctor.” she said barely getting the words out of her mouth before Matt was out the door.

Prompt: Here We Go! Two Tickets.
Fandom: Broadchurch
Word Count: 124

“Here we go! Two tickets.” the overly chipper carnival worker said holding out the said tickets.

Alec Hardy snatched them and turned to Ellie Miller. “Are you bloody happy now.” he growled.

“Well not yet sir, we haven't actually used the tickets yet.” she said trotting to keep up with him.

“Right, so which one would like to have a go on.” he motioned around clearly looking forward to being cleared of this burden.

“That one.” she pointed towards a small ferris wheel.

He groaned inwardly, of course of all the rides she'd have to pick the bloody ferris wheel with its heights and continuous stopping.

With a sigh he headed towards the ride muttering, “You so owe me Miller.”

Prompt: Well This is Unexpected...
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 154

Rose rolled over in her bed, closing her eyes tightly trying to eek out a few extra minutes of sleep. She slung an arm out and startled when it came into contact with a slightly warm mass.

She peeked an eye open and saw the Doctor laying beside her, studying her face intensely.

She shook her head, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them to ensure that it wasn't just an illusion.

“Well this is unexpected.” she said her voice thick and gravelly with sleep.

The Doctor smiled and brushed her hair out of her eyes, “you asked me to stay.” he said.

“Right, but you usually stay til I fall asleep, gone by morning.” she said.

“I almost lost you yesterday, had to make sure you were still here.” he said softly.

Rose sighed happily and curled into his body, “Forever...” she said softly.

Prompt: Oh my god. You're in love
Fandom: Broadchurch
Word Count: 154

Lucy watched as Ellie said goodbye to the DI. Their heads were dipped close together sharing a private conversation as if the rest of the world had simply disappeared from view. She said something and he threw her head back laughing. It was the first real laugh Lucy had ever seen from the grumpy DI Alec Hardy.

Lucy watched in awe as the two officers looked at each other awkwardly. There was a beat of time and then an stiff handshake, which seemed to do nothing for either of them. She waited for the handshake to morph into a hug or something that seemed to fit the tender conversation from moments before. Instead the DI got into the waiting cab and Ellie moved back towards her. As her sister got closer she could see the tears in her eyes, and Lucy lifted a hand to her mouth.

“Oh my god. You're in love.”

[skieswideopen (Battle Creek, Intelligence, Saving Hope, 1650 words)]
Intelligence |110 words | Why would you go in there with no plan?

Gabriel wrapped his shirt tighter around Riley's arm, trying to staunch the flow of blood. "Why would you go in there with no plan?"

"You're one to talk." Riley tried not to wince. "Besides, I had a plan. Rescue you."

"That's not a plan; that's a wildly optimistic goal." He gave one last tug on the makeshift bandage and sat back.

"Well, it worked," she said. "You're out."

"And you've got a bullet hole in your arm. Again."

"And you don't," she said, wavering with a sudden wave of dizziness. "So I'm doing my job right."

Gabriel touched her arm gently, steadying her. "Hold on. Help will be here soon."

Saving Hope | 137 words | You need to let go

Joel looked up at Alex, dark eyes stark against his pale skin, his free hand scrambling for a better hold in the soil.

"Hold on," Alex begged as his other hand started to slip from hers. She redoubled her grasp. "It's just a little longer."

Joel's free hand slipped and he started to fall. Alex gritted her teeth, digging his heels in as his weight pulled her forward, closer to the cliff.

She felt Joel's hand loosen as he eased his grip.

"Hold on!"

"Alex. You need to let go, Alex."

"No," she cried. She woke up with his name on her lips.

Beside her, Charlie stirred. "Alex."

"I was dreaming," she said helplessly. "Joel was falling and I just...I let him go."

"Joel's gone," Charlie said gently. "It's not your fault. He's just gone.

"I know."

Battle Creek | 150 words | I knew it was going to work.

Milt could feel the weight of Russ's glare as he led suspect to a waiting patrol car. He let himself smile just a little as he closed the door, securing the suspect inside, then schooled his expression into careful neutrality before turning around.

"How the hell did you do that?" Russ demanded. "And do you have any idea what kind of risk you were taking? I mean, I know most of the world thinks of you as bulletproof, but--"

"There wasn't any risk," Milt said calmly. "I knew it was going to work."

"There's no way--"

"I'm not suicidal," Milt insisted a little more strongly.

"Could have fooled me," Russ muttered.

"That was a different situation," Milt said. "And it wasn't because I wanted to die. I know how to read people. I knew there was no way he'd pull the trigger. Trust me. It was always going to work."

Battle Creek | 143 words | "What do I get if I win?"

Russ eyed Milt suspiciously. "What do I get if I win?"

Milt spread his hands wide, encompassing the possibilities. "You can set whatever terms you want, Russ. I merely suggested that a small wager might make things more interesting."

"You just want me to play along with your ridiculous, stupidly-trusting plan. I thought we got over this whole act after our little ride in the trunk."

"I told you," Milt said patiently, "it's not an act. It's who I am now. Do you want to bet or not?"

"Fine," Russ said. "If I win--and we both know I will--I get to ask one question which you will answer honestly."

"How are you going to know?" Milt asked.

"I guess I'll have to take your word for it."

Milt smiled broadly. "I knew we were making progress," he said, slapping Russ on the back.

Battle Creek | 153 words | A game of cards

"We could always play strip poker," Holly suggested.

"What's the fun of that?" Guz asked, sipping on rum and coke. "We're all women."

"We could invite the guys to join us," Erin said. "With all the practice we've had, you know we'd kick their asses. Well, Funkhauser and Niblet, anyway."

"Yeah, but who wants to see them naked?" Meredith asked.

"Maybe Russ," Erin said slyly, cast a sideways glance at Holly.

"Eww," Meredith said. "No offense," she added to Holly.

"I don't want to see any of my detectives naked," Guz said firmly.

"Good thing Milt's not one of your detectives then," Meredith said.

Holly laughed. "If we invite Milt, we're all going to be sitting around naked before he even has to take off his jacket."

"Well, unless we can convince him the gentlemanly thing to do is lose," Guz suggested.

"Now you're taking," Erin said, raising her drink in a salute.

Battle Creek | 103 words | "It's a jet pack. What could go wrong?"

"I think he's in shock," Funkhauser whispered. Font followed his gaze to Russ, who was standing, mouth hanging open, beside the package beside his desk. "He hasn't moved at all."

Font grinned and went over to stand beside Russ. "Well, you did say you wanted more equipment."

Russ finally unfroze and turned to face him. "Yeah, but I meant working tasers and cameras. Not a fucking jetpack."

"This is way cooler than a taser," Funkhauser said, joining them. "We should try it out."

"Try it out," Russ said. "Are you crazy?"

Funkhauser grinned. "Come on! It's a jet pack. What could go wrong?"

Battle Creek | 164 words | "If you say that one more time..."

Russ glared. "If you say that one more time..."

Milt looked up inquiringly. "Say what?"

The worst part was the blandly innocent look, as if he genuinely didn't know. Which Russ knew was a blatant lie, because Milt had let the mask slip just often enough to make it clear that he knew exactly how to get under Russ's skin, and enjoyed doing so as often as possible. Not that anyone else would believe it, of course. Milt never let the mask slip around them. It might have been weirdly flattering, getting a glimpse of the real Milt, if only Russ didn't feel like it was part of some larger plan to drive him around the bend.


Still waiting expectantly, mouth parted just a little, as if he really cared what was bothering Russ. Or maybe he just wanted to make sure it was working. And why was he noticing Milt's mouth? Fuck.

"Never mind," Russ grumbled. "Let's just focus on the case."

Battle Creek | 161 words | Here we go! Two tickets."

"Here we go! Two tickets."

Russ forced himself to smile as Milt cheerfully claimed the tickets and strolled toward the entrance.

"I hate you," he muttered through gritted teeth as he followed Milt into the carnival.

"It's not my fault our suspects decided to use the carnival as cover," Milt said quietly. "And we're supposed to look like we're having a good time."

"No, you're going to look like you're having a good time, and I'm going to look like you dragged me here against my will. Which has the advantage of being the truth. What kind of terrorist hides behind a carnival, anyway?"

"The same ones who decide to use Battle Creek as a base of operations," Milt said, grabbing Russ's arm and steering him around an approaching family.

Russ pulled his arm free with a shake and stopped. "What the hell?"

Milt grinned unrepentantly. "Come on. Why else would you come to a carnival with me against my will."

Intelligence | 121 words | "Well, this is unexpected."

"Well, this is unexpected." Gabriel said, looking down at the stack of men's clothing on the table by Riley's couch. "Riley Neal had an overnight guest."

"It's not--" Riley began.

"Took him out to dinner too," Gabriel continued, ignoring her. "Nice restaurant. I notice he let you pay."

"It wasn't a date," Riley said. "My brother's in town."

Gabriel tilted his head in acknowledgement. "I was starting to wonder when I saw you only ordered one bottle of wine."

He sounded disappointed.

"I thought you'd be relieved," Riley said. "If I start dating someone, that would mean less attention for you."

"You shouldn't be sacrificing your whole life for me."

Riley smiled wryly. "That's kind of the job."

"It shouldn't be."

Battle Creek | 408 words | "Oh my God. You’re in love."

Milt was halfway through his email--six messages in one night, he saw with a sinking heart--when Russ showed up.

"Where were you last night?"

Milt raised his head slowly. "Good morning to you too, Russ."

"You weren't at the Wilsons' barbeque," Russ continued. "You weren't at trivia night at the bar. And you weren't here."

"I was home."

Russ shook his head. "You're never home in the evening. Not once in the whole time you've been in Battle Creek. You're always out golfing with judges or saving kittens from trees."

"I spend lots of nights at home," Milt protested. He saw movement in the outer office as Melissa stood up to confer with Holly. For a moment, he hoped one of them would interrupt and save him, and then he saw what Holly was carrying. He wondered briefly if there was anyway he could wave off Melissa until Russ was gone, and then gave up hope as Melissa opened the door. Russ, of course, swung around immediately.

"Oh my God," he said as Melissa set the flowers down on Milt's desk. "You weren't home last night at all. You were on a date. You’re in love."

"I was not on a date, and I'm not in love," Milt said firmly.

"Could have fooled me," Russ said, leaning down to grab the card. "I've missed you. Don't you know we belong together? Dave." He looked up, puzzled. "Who's Dave."

"Someone I dated," Milt said reluctantly. "Briefly. Back in Detroit."

"Wait," Russ said. He read the card again, and then looked up at Milt. "You're gay?"

Milt raised an eyebrow just a little, daring Russ to make an issue of it. "Is that a problem?"

"Of course it's not a problem," Russ said, putting the card back. "You could have said something, though."

Milt shrugged. He hadn't really expected it to be a problem with Russ. He wasn't sure he could say the same for the entire department. "It never came up."

"So this guy, Dave. You broke up with him and he didn't take it well?"

"Essentially," Milt agreed.

"And how he's shown up here?"

"It appears so."

"And you stayed home last night to hide from him."

It hadn't been hiding, exactly. He just...hadn't wanted to come out to the entire town by having his ex show up at a social event. "He started calling yesterday."

"All right." Russ looked thougthful. "What do you need me to do?"

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