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Questions? raktajinos May 8 2015, 19:28:00 UTC
RE: Questions? mark_pierre May 16 2015, 12:11:22 UTC
Shouldn't it be 110 points? Just asking...


RE: Questions? raktajinos May 25 2015, 02:31:38 UTC
hahah yup


RE: Questions? seraphina_snape May 24 2015, 15:44:19 UTC
For my 1x13 icon, I want to use a line the character says in another episode. Is that okay (as long as the actual screencap is from 1x13)?

Also, which episode order are we going with? The one on imdb.com? Because I've found several floating around...


RE: Questions? raktajinos May 25 2015, 02:39:45 UTC
yes, the quote would be fine. Oh! I didn't even think of the weird episode list numbering. We'll go with the general consensus that the fandom uses (as does capping sites).
1 Serenity
2 The Train Job
3 Bushwacked
4 Shindig
5 Safe
6 Our Mrs Reynolds
7 Janestown
8 Out of Gas
9 Ariel
10 War Stories
11 Trash
12 The Message
13 Heart of Gold
14 Objects in Space
15 Serenity (The Movie)


RE: Questions? seraphina_snape May 25 2015, 05:26:18 UTC
Yeah, I only realized it myself when I went to check the exact wording of that quote and found imdb.com still uses the other episode order.


RE: Questions? mark_pierre June 15 2015, 18:36:39 UTC
Just dropping by to ask if this battle will be posted this phase?

Because the end is near, and this is over 100 points...


RE: Questions? seraphina_snape June 19 2015, 16:50:52 UTC
Is there going to be a results post for this? Or is that up already and I missed it?


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