New Month-Long Battles

Apr 04, 2015 03:11

New for this phase here at cardwars, we're going to start doing month-long battles. How this is going to work is at the start of each month we'll pick a tv show season and then everyone who wishes to participate will make ONE icon per episode of that selected season. So, if a season has 22 episodes, you'll make one icon per episode totalling in 22 icons.
This idea has been shamelessly and lovingly borrowed from sucksucksmile who has run this sort of battle a few times now, you can see the results of the recent Arrow S1 battle here to see how it works.

It's a lot of fun, and as teaotter commented, "It was just constraining enough to keep it from being overwhelming, and just free-form enough to be easy."

So this post is to determine which tv season we want to do. Voting in the poll does not require you to participate (though that would be nice). I chose these shows randomly and based on the availability of caps, and if this goes well for April, I'll open nominations up to the comm for the May season. We can also discuss expanding it to non-tv fandoms (just that structure works well for this particular challenge).

Please select ONE season in the poll below. Poll will be open for roughly two days, with winning season (and further rules and clarifications) being posted Monday April 6th 2AM EST.


Poll what tv season?

!!month long battles

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