Phase Four Registry!

Mar 30, 2015 00:05

By now y'all know the drill :)...but just in case you need a refresher, here are the rules:

Points & Info
- You can only earn a maximum of 300 points a month in this comm, you can go beyond in terms of making stuff, but you won't get more points.
- icons are worth 5 points each
- words are worth 5 points for 50 words. Word battles are often unedited work, but you will need to post them to the comm so basic SPAG is probably a good idea.
- Vids can also be included if you wish. 50 points for at least 1min of vidding.
- if you'd like to do a battle for another type of graphic (wallpapers, sigs, gifs, etc) that's totally cool. Check in with me and we'll figure out a fair points amount for whatever you're making.

Special Battles
- this phase there will be monthly themes for the entire gameofcards community, and any battle done within the theme will receive bonus points. These points will not be counted towards your 300 point cap.
- this phase will also see the introduction of speed battles and mini challenges, ooo exciting. Details for these will be in the challenge posts themselves.

Register battle
When you're done, submit your battle here!

Find battle partners
You chose the "Find battle partners" option. This means you want to start a battle, and you're putting your name out there to be matched with a random person/people with similar interests. After this, we can only hope that you agree and proceed to battle phase! You're not forced to accept, but we'd like you to answer as soon as you can, to free the applicants for another match.

The comments won't be screened, so, if by perusing the list of applicants you find someone you think suitable, you can ask them directly by answering to their comment. After the match is made and accepted by both parties, the thread will be frozen and you can't ask them directly anymore.

You can leave suggestions on your form, but fine adjustments such as definitive theme(s), number of caps chosen and time to complete the battle will be left for the partners to decide. You can use your own thread as a discussion spot. Once everything is decided on, PLEASE FREEZE THE THREAD so we can consider the battle closed and you don't have to turn down any other potential participants.

Please fill the form below and leave it in a comment, and you'll be communicated as soon as we find you a good match. You're not required to fill the entire form, but the more information you give, the more chances you have for a successful match.

Icons or Writing?:
Suggested fandoms:
Number of total caps or themes:
Suggested amount of time to finish the battle:


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