Love is a Battlefield Battle Signups

Feb 02, 2015 17:18

get it :P

In honour of February and Valentine's Day we're going to have a battle on the theme of romance. Ooo. This post will be for cap collection, you may submit up to 5 caps (focusing on ships, romance, etc) and I will pick 14 at random that will be the caps for the battle (to be posted in a new post).

>> You will recieve 3 points for submitting 1-5 caps (points for battle in next post)
>> all caps should focus on the theme of romance
>> all fandoms and ships welcome
>> cap collection will be open until Wednesday Feb 4 at 2AM EST
>> a new post containing the selected caps will be posted shortly after that.
>> you will have 14 days (sensing a theme?) to complete and submit your icons, with icons being due Feb 18 by midnight in your time zone.

>> to submit caps, please leave a url and the name of the fandom to this post.  

!!special battle

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