It's Speed Battle Time!

Jan 16, 2015 00:40

Hello everyone! It's time for another speed battle!!! *silent applause*

>> there are SIX (6) caps for this battle, which are posted below the cut
>> make icons. Each cap can only be used once
>> you can submit anywhere from 1-6 icons for this as partial points will be given
>> you may use other caps in the icon
>> submit your icons to this post.
>> this battle will end in 24 hours (roughly 1AM EST Saturday, January 17th 2015 - what time is that for you?).

>> each icon is worth 10 points. +1 point for sigtag, +4 points for completing all six icons. Maximum points possible: 65 POINTS

click to enlarge

How to Get Away With Murder | Friends
The Librarians | Galavant
Orphan Black | Lost Girl

!!speed battle, fandom: lost girl, fandom: friends, fandom: orphan black, fandom: the librarians, fandom: how to get away with murder, fandom: galavant

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