Aug 30, 2005 20:48
Copied from CAG from a member called jt2k3. You have to give credit when credit is due.
"Gamestop will be having a yellow tag labor day videogame blowout. Thursday night each store's label printer will print up new stickers for 500 games to be retagged for Friday morning, and the beginning of the labor day game blowout sale.
The list of games will not be known until coorporate sends the stickers through thursday night, but get to your local GS this weekend for some hella deals"
So I'll be checking thursday night to see if there is anything good. If there is I'll be at Gamestop Friday after school. I'll let you all know if there is anything good. It will probably clear out fast if there is anything good.
Related news, I'm getting WWE: Day of Reckoning 2 tomorrow after school. I can't wait to use the CAW.