Oct 25, 2010 23:11
Now that my midterms are over and our Halloween costumes are mostly finished, I finally have some time to relax. Aeris' ultrasound went very well, and we both saw our little fellow, now that he looks more human. He's doing quite well, and since she's about halfway done, the hardest part is over, and now it's just a matter of waiting out the other half until he wants to make his grand entrance into this world. He still doesn't have a name yet, although we've decided we're going to stick with mum's family's bird theme. I'm quite fond of Peregrin, but we'll find a name that fits eventually.
Somehow I finished all of my midterm work on time, and my grades are looking quite well. Celes' school is doing well, and our first parent-teacher conference went rather well. I don't quite like her teacher's methods, but she likes Celes well enough and Celes enjoys her class, so there's not much I can do.
Speaking of little Celes, she's finally decided what to be for Halloween, and while she's going as a fairy, I will not be caught alive in more tulle. Aeris has decided to be a dryad to match Celes, and since I found Father's Mr. Tumnus costume from when I went as Peter Pevensie--dear heavens, I was six when I did that--, and it fits rather well, even with the leg extenders, I've decided to just go on ahead and use that. I've been walking around the house getting used to the legs, and as long as there aren't a lot of stairs on our route this year, I'll be all right. I'm quite excited, really, this is her first time trick-or-treating and our first time doing so as a family.
Word has it that there is a Halloween party here on campus. It's not supposed to be your typical boozer college party, as that's on another night, but it's supposed to be a bit more formal. For that, I'm not going to reveal what our costumes are--and that doesn't mean we were caught off-guard and we don't have any, but I'd like it to be a surprise.
Is anyone else going to do this year's No-Shave November charity drive that one of the fraternities is putting on? I figured I might as well, since I have the ability and all proceeds go to men's health charities. I don't know if I'll do the pageant at the end of the month, as I might be busy and don't want to commit to it, but I must say I'm quite tempted to do so.