Challenge #32 Results

Mar 16, 2016 20:49

Here are the results for Challenge #32: Names A to Z (All the Stars! Edition)
Thanks for participating! I left everybody a comment when I tallied the name challenges, in case you missed it (no need to thank me).
If you notice any errors (in my math) or I missed your points, mixed up your teams, please comment.

FYI, there are only four days left in the phase! Find the very last of the open challenges here. ^_^

Lucky Letters

There were more & bigger chances to win this time!

Lucky Letter #1 (add 20 points)

Letters: L

Lucky Letter #2, 3 & 4 (add 15 points)

Letters: N, A, I

Lucky Letters #5, 6, 7 & 8 (add 10 points)

Letters: D, Y, H, U

(If you're interested you may view time-stamped comment with the winning letters.)

Letters & Participants

Letter A******** Lucky Letter #2, 3 & 4 (add 15 points)

Letter B

skieswideopen (clubs)

Letter C

crucified (diamonds)
digthewriter (hearts)

Letter D ****Lucky Letter #5 (add 10 points)

sanalith (diamonds)
seraphina_snape (diamonds)
kitty_fic (hearts)

Letter E

sidhe_faerie (hearts)
breaded_fish (hearts)

Letter F

erinm_4600 (diamonds)

Letter G

_eyesofpride_ (clubs)

Letter H *****Lucky Letter #5 (add 10 points)


Letter I ********Lucky Letter #2, 3 & 4 (add 15 points)

adsullatta (hearts)

Letter J

wyldreamer (clubs)
sigrundora (hearts)
tarienemrys (clubs)

Letter K

mark_pierre (spades)
cardboardcornea (spades)

Letter L ************Lucky Letter #1 (add 20 points)

luminousdaze (spades)

No one wins!

Letter M

ama_ranth_827 (diamonds)
queen_bartonia (diamonds)

Letter N ******Lucky Letter #2, 3 & 4 (add 15 points)

jacquelee (hearts)

Letter O

Not used

Letter P

Not used

Letter Q

Not used

Letter R

catko (clubs)

Letter S

madampresident (spades)

Letter T

Not used

Letter U *********Lucky Letters #5, 6, 7 & 8 (add 10 points)

entwashian (clubs)

Letter V

raktajinos (spades)

Letter W

Not used

Letter X

Not used

Letter Y **********Lucky Letters #5, 6, 7 & 8 (add 10 points)

Not used

Letter Z

Not used



skieswideopen (31)
_eyesofpride_ (31)
wyldreamer (31)
catko (31)
entwashian (41)
tarienemrys (31)

Total: 196


crucified (31)
sanalith (41)
seraphina_snape (41)
erinm_4600 (31)
ama_ranth_827 (31)
queen_bartonia (31)

Total: 206


digthewriter (31)
kitty_fic (41)
sidhe_faerie (31)
breaded_fish (31)
adsullatta (46)
sigrundora (31)
jacquelee (46)

Total: 257


mark_pierre (31)
cardboardcornea (31)
luminousdaze (31)
madampresident (31)
raktajinos (31)

Total: 155

Congrats Team Hearts! 💗

Another moderator will add the points to the spreadsheet (thanks in advance).


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