Challenge 34: Book-ish

Mar 06, 2016 08:45

Challenge 34 Book-Ish

Description You have a few options for this challenge, and you can mix and match any of the options to earn your points.

A) Create a Fandom Book by writing a title and an author of a book that belongs in one of your fandoms. You can NOT use one you know exists (eg. History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot) for this part, but create something new eg Blowing up Suns for Dummies by Samantha Carter. 5 points for each book title

B) Create a Cover for your book created above OR a book that you know exists in your chosen fandom. 10 points per cover must be at least 400px by 400px

C) Create a movie or tv poster for a book. You can use books that have been made into films or movies but you can't use the actors or anything - you have to start from scratch 10 points per cover must be at least 400px by 400px

Points 30 points max
Due Date 20th March
Submitting Submit here, to this post. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.
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