Challenge 20

Nov 02, 2015 20:32

CHALLENGE #20: The To-Do List

Description Create something every day for 20 days. (this challenge actually runs for a month just to give you a little extra breathing room). You can do this in a number of ways!

- Create Posts at your journal, or a social post at allthesuits- Create Icons for yourself, or icontests/challenges around LJ (including 20in20s ( Read more... )

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everythingshiny November 2 2015, 07:33:57 UTC

... )


crucified November 2 2015, 07:36:44 UTC
So, completing one 20in20 would get us full points?


everythingshiny November 2 2015, 07:37:57 UTC
granted you can show some evidence you didn't complete it at the last minute, yes :)


crucified November 2 2015, 07:39:50 UTC
Nice!! I like the extra motivation to actually get at least one more done this month. :P


everythingshiny November 2 2015, 07:40:33 UTC
you are welcome!


crucified November 2 2015, 07:59:24 UTC
Last thing, do I have to make extra stuff if I finish early? It usually only takes me two or three days to do 20in20s tops when I actually sit down and tell myself I'm gonna do them lol.


everythingshiny November 3 2015, 02:16:12 UTC
start early lol!!!


luminousdaze November 2 2015, 07:46:13 UTC
Would signing up at a daily icon prompt comm like historamedy365 work? If yes, then if we miss making an icon one day we can't count that day for this challenge even if we complete it for that challenge by doubling up (they allow 48 hours), correct?


everythingshiny November 2 2015, 07:48:24 UTC

sorry and re the second part you can count that for this challenge. I'm not sure how the rules of that comm work. doubling up is fine every now and then.

I'm not going to be particularly strict, the spirit of this challenge is to encourage entries and posts to other comms


luminousdaze November 2 2015, 07:51:19 UTC
Okay thanks. Let's say I set up a post with a table for whatever I make, will you want to see the time stamps on each item? So I'd have to make a new comment to my own post each day with the item? Otherwise I could cheat/edit everything in at the last minute. Not that I would of course! lol


everythingshiny November 2 2015, 07:53:58 UTC
I know people can and probably will cheat, but i like to assume people are generally honest. So if you'd like to stay true to the challenge you can do that, but i won't be expecting everyone go to the trouble for me to check time-stamps etc.


luminousdaze November 2 2015, 07:57:02 UTC
Thanks. Well, I probably will do the commenting or something similar so I can have time-stamps along with my entries because I'm truly horrible at keeping track of time. :)


clarahow November 5 2015, 06:51:02 UTC
Yeah, (I don't know if you've already signed up or if this helps, but I've got two tables) the historamedy365 mod makes posts for each theme and includes the form for commenting, including which # your icon is of the set and the link to the full table, so for this you can link to the comments you make on the daily theme posts; you wouldn't have to comment on your own posts for the historamedy365 thing.


luminousdaze November 5 2015, 09:37:17 UTC
Thanks! I have a table as well. I haven't signed up over there yet, been doing other icontests. Yes, that's true I could link to each icon, but I wouldn't want to make everythingshiny look at the each separate day entry for the time-stamps that's the only reason I was gonna make one post for my links.


clarahow November 5 2015, 19:48:47 UTC
Ah, yes, I understand why you wouldn't want that. You could screenshot your comments? And then put the photos in a post all together.


luminousdaze November 5 2015, 23:06:47 UTC
That's a good idea. But I've already started doing this
... )


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